Pain in the side

on 10/29/11 4:45 am - Canada
So I seem to have developed a pain in my left left.  I sent Dr. Sampath an email since he told me very specifically that he wanted to be notified of any pain/problems and he called this morning.  His feeling right now is that it's probably muscle pain from the surgery and I'm suppose to take Tylenol 650mg and Advil 400mg every 4 hours and email him again tomorrow.  I'm scared to take the Advil since I know that it's on the do not take list, but I'm trying to have faith that he knows what he's doing and he wouldn't tell me to take something if it was going to do more harm than good.  He also told me that if the pain gets any worse then I am to go to the hospital here and demand a CT scan (like that's gonna happen).  He gave me his cell number and told me that if I go to the ER here they can call him.  In all honesty if it gets to where I need to be seen then I'll be packing up and heading down to Richmond to see him, I just don't trust the ER docs here.  Wish me luck and I hope that this resolves soon.
on 10/29/11 4:56 am - Abbotsford, Canada
I had pain on my left side after surgery and my doc said it is pretty usual since that is side that the major part of surgery is done on. Hang in there!
on 10/29/11 5:01 am - Abbotsford, Canada
Hopefully you have a chance to put your feet up and relax, could also be you over did it a bit.
on 10/29/11 5:08 am - Canada
Oh No! That is not good! but it is good that Dr.Sampath is staying in close contact with you.
Bravo to him...I would take what he told you to..

Wishing you the BEST OF LUCK!

I hope you are feeling better very soon

HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
on 10/29/11 5:19 am - Canada
I am really hoping that it's just from the surgery.  I took the first dose of Tylenol and Advil and now we wait to see what's gonna happen.  The reason that it seemed odd to me and why I decided to email him was because this is a new pain that developed at 11days post-op and has been getting worse for the last 24-36 hours.  It started as a dull "I'm gonna let ya know I'm here" kind of ache and has progressed into a "I'm here and I'm not gonna let you forget it" constant pain.  We'll see what the next 24 hours with the Tylenol and Advil brings.  He did also tell me that it may take a few days for the meds to fully kick in.
on 10/29/11 8:58 am
sure hope it goes away for you.  Keep us all updated.  Sure is nice to see that Dr Sampath is staying in touch and continues to take good care of you.  Don't overdue things. 
on 10/29/11 10:21 am - Canada
Well so far I've taken 2 doses of the Tylenol/Advil and there's really not any change (I know that I'm probably just being impatient and wanting it to work miracles).  I also decided that today is going to be a real lazy day of just doing a whole lot of nothing, well aside from going to pick up the monitor for the overnight oximetry test and having some bloodwork done.

Readyornot-Dr. Sampath is really one of the most caring doctors I've ever had to deal with.   Not many docs would give you their cell phone number in case of problems.  Definately someone that I trust with my medical care.
on 10/31/11 3:14 am - Abbotsford, Canada
How are you feeling now, any change?
on 10/31/11 9:46 am
just wondering how you are doing...hope the pain subsided.
Im so glad to hear that Dr. Sampath does great followup care. Its reassuring!
on 10/31/11 2:10 pm - Canada
 The pain is still there, in fact worse tonight after the long drive from Kamloops to Surrey.  I did see my GP this morning and he was able to get me in for a CT scan right away so that was done this afternoon as well, still waiting on results from that.  Hoping that it's nothing serious and that tomorrow I will find something out.
Definately very lucky that Dr. Sampath is so very caring of his patients and will respond to any and all concerns.  I have no idea if he was even on-call this weekend but he responded to my email within about 12 hours with a phone call, not many docs would've done that. 
Will keep everyone posted and let you know the results of the CT scan once I get them.
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