Time for room on the Loser's Bench!

on 10/24/11 11:25 am - Burnaby, BC, Canada
After a rough time with problems after RNY on Oct. 3rd, weight has been dropping by 1 pound a day.  Saw Dr. Sampath today to remove last of staples, and he was very happy with my progress to date.  Should be able to start pureed foods in about one week.  Down 21 pounds since surgery, plus 54 before, for a total of 75 pounds, since mid March.  Still having trouble believing this is happening, and so incredibly fast.  Pulled out some smaller clothes that I have not been able to wear for about 5 years, and they are now too big, so I will have to dig deeper into my stacks of different sizes from years back.  Maybe I will be able to shop for some new clothes for Christmas.
Barb Friesen
on 10/24/11 11:38 am - Canada
Barb so happy to hear that you're finally doing better!!!!  Sounds like you're at about where I am with the diet.  I see Nooshin next Tuesday to up my diet to the next level.  You're doing awsome with the weigh loss!!!!  Do you mind if I ask how much you would like to loose in total???  I am down about 30 pounds since I started seeing Dr. Sampath and would like to loose another 70-80lbs.  I saw my GP today and he was very happy to hear about how much I have lost to date, he has never asked me before and the only time I've had to get on the scale at his office is if it's needed for forms.

Glad to hear that you're doing so well!!!!  And welcome to the loser's bench!!!!

on 10/25/11 4:54 am - Burnaby, BC, Canada
Hi Jayna:
Thanks for your support.  I see Nooshin for the next level of my diet on Tuesday, also (@ 2:15PM).  What time is your appointment with Nooshin?  I would like to lose another 85 pounds, but Dr. Sampath seems to think that another 75 would be better for me.  But I will just have to see how I feel about it when I get closer to my original goal weight.  How did you make out with the Thrush?  Did you find a home remedy or did you have to get something from your GP?  I think I have the same thing now, and it is not too comfortable, but I am hoping to not have to go to GP.  Any suggestions would be helpful.  Thanks!
Barb Friesen 
on 10/25/11 9:05 am, edited 10/25/11 9:06 am - Canada
HI Barb, I see Nooshin @9:30am.  I should ask Dr. Sampath what he thinks would be a good weight for me, I was thinking of loosing another 80lbs as well.  I'm like you though, when I get closer to the number I'll make a final decision, maybe loose more or less depending on how I feel. 

I never did find a home remedy, after talking to a few people and my pharmacist it was pretty clear that there aren't really any good home remedies that work for thrush.  A few that were recommended were rinsing/gargling with sal****er and eating lots of yogurt (and making sure that it contacts all areas of the mouth).  I had to see my GP yesterday to get my last 2 stitches out so I asked him while I was there and got a prescription for Nystatin liquid to rinse with.

Keep up the awesome work!!!

on 10/25/11 10:03 am - Abbotsford, Canada
So good to hear it is going better for you, you have done well at the weight loss! I had the same thing with the clothes, when you need smaller sizes that you don't have, borrow, or only buy a little amont, because you will be out of them so fast, it's just a waste. I found that spandex workout pants are great because you can wear them longer.

The mouth rinse was the same as I was prescribed, worked well, tasted gross.

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