first consult with Dr. Nguyen

Laney B.
on 4/10/11 5:06 pm
 I'm wondering if anybody here can tell me what the first consult is like, what i have to know/research etc.... i'm pretty shy and not a good talker,  and would like to go in feeling prepared and confident.... help anyone?

Neeven Soodyall
on 4/11/11 4:46 am - Surrey, Canada
'Ello 'ello. Don't I know you?

Very good to see that you're getting advice from a broad spectrum of people, Elaine. Everyone has had different experiences. Soon, you'll be adding yours to the pool.
Laney B.
on 4/11/11 6:49 am
 ello ello, Neeeeven....

yes yes, i'm trying to spread it around lol not getting much advice yet though!

on 4/11/11 1:20 pm - Canada
I made sure that I knew a little about the surgeries and which one I was thinking of.  I also made sure that I was prepared to talk about my diet and exercise, and that he knew that I was familiar with the post-op expectations.  I don't think that they expect you to know everything at this point, just that you have researched the surgeries and are committed to doing what you have to for yourself. They will outline any expectations that they have for you pre-op and all the tests that you need to do.  I have never met with Dr. Nguyen so not sure what he expects from you, but from what I'm hearing he's a good guy and easy to talk to.  Oh and make sure that if you have any questions about the surgery you would like that you take a list so you can ask them.
Laney B.
on 4/11/11 1:55 pm
 Thanks jaynak!! what happens if you can't exercise? i'm sure there are alot of peeps that come in that are immobile, right? i think i will start my food and exercise diary now, so i can have it ready for when i go in.  i didn't know i had to know about all the surgeries, i mean i DID learn about them enuff to discount them years ago already... and i didn't know i had to know about post op stuff, i thought that's what THEY teach you... oh well, i guess i have alot to research!! thanks for your help!!
on 4/11/11 3:11 pm - Canada
  I am seeing Dr Nguyen. I had my second appointment April 4th. I saw him the first time Jan 18th. I had all my tests done already because I had seen Dr Amson previous. As far as required tests go, from my experience, he wants a sleep apnea test, & gastroscope. He may require a psych evaluation, and he wants a report from an internist (internal medicine specialist), prior to surgery. Also you will be required to participate in a program designed by the Garrett Wellness Center in Richmond. This is the Dietitian who works with the surgery team at WestCoast Bariatrics. It is a 7 week program and if you live down there then you would attend the classes once a week. I live far away so I purchased the material and am working with my local dietitian. I began on Feb 21st and saw her again April 5th where she went over the pre-op liquid diet and gave me reference materials for the post op guidelines. At my last appoint ment with Dr Nguyen, Wendy (MOA) said that I would get a date within the next 6 months (maybe sooner). Now I just wait for the call. Dr Sampath and Dr Nguyen work out of the same office so I imagine the requirements are the same for both. If you any other questions please do not hesitate to ask :). What surgery are you having? I am going with the sleeve.

Laney B.
on 4/11/11 3:21 pm
 Hi!! i'm going with the sleeve too... i'm scared of a sleep apnea test coz i'm insomniac and if i'm in a strange place i can stay up for 3 days, do you have to go to a sleep center? and what if you DO have sleep apnea? what then? do you have to buy a CPAP machine for the few months before your surgery? i would never be able to sleep with one of those things on... very worried about that...

i should be able to drive out to Richmond once a week for 7 weeks... 

how long is the pre-op liquid diet and do they make you lose weight before the surgery?

so they teach you everything you need to know and where to order stuff for post op eating?

thanks for the offer, i will definitely ask you questions!! :)

on 4/12/11 3:03 pm - Canada
The liquid diet  is 2 weeks. You are allowed 1200 calories per day consisting of diabetic Boost or Glucerna, plain ff yogurt and chicken/beef broth. You need to eat 130g of carbs and 60-80g protein each day. You can use protein powder to bump up the broth and yogurt protein content. You need to lose some weight, ( at least 6 lbs), on the pre-op diet so that your liver shrinks. Glycogen is stored in the liver and the liver is enlarged. This makes it difficult when performing Laproscopic surgery for the retractor to effectively hold the liver out of the Surgeon's way, therefore increasing the risk of nicking the liver and also limits the visibility of the surgery site. 
Laney B.
on 4/12/11 10:54 pm
 is the 2 week liquid diet before surgery then, to shrink the liver? or are you talking about post op liquid diet? i hope it's not before, but then HOW do you lose the 6 lbs? diets don't really work for me lol.... boost and glucerna you just get at the supermarket? i can make a yogurt smoothie with protein powder, i'm good at that from an extreme diet i was on :) thanks sister, did you accept my friend request? 

on 4/12/11 2:51 pm - Canada
Hi Elaine,
 I did go to Vancouver and did an overnight test at UBC  hospital but I have heard a lot of people who borrow a machine from the hospital and do an overnight oximitry (sp??) test at home. Apparently you place a a device over your finger and wear it overnight.  They want to know if you have sleep apnea for when you are under anesthetic I believe. I do not have it which I was pretty sure about anyway as I have no symptoms whatsoever. 
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