Appt. With Dr. Nguyen

on 2/1/11 11:46 pm - Canada
My doctor's office called yesterday - Dr. Nguyen's office called with an appointment.  April 18.  I'm kind of torn, because I am reluctant to stop seeing Dr. Malik.  However, my GP said that she would like me to go for a "second opinion" and thinks it might be easier for me as Dr. Nguyen is closer to home.  Anyway, I'll go and see him and see what he says.  I am also scheduled to see Dr. Malik in Feb/March.  I'm a bit discouraged because I'm having real issues taking off the 10%, but will go and talk to him anyway.

on 2/2/11 1:35 am - Canada
Good to hear that you got an appt.  It certainly doesn't hurt to get a second opinion.  I will be going to see Dr. Sampath on April 14 and am certainly happy that it is closer (and I have more family in that area than in Victoria).  Not to be nosey, but how much of your 10% have you lost???  So far it seems that he's the only one that actually requires you to loose weight.
on 2/2/11 2:49 am - Canada
I've lost 16 pounds so far, but seem to be stuck.  The last four months have been a nightmare for me personally and at work, and I just can't seem to get back on the wagon!  I have another 20 pounds to go.  I think Dr. Amson also requires a 10% weight loss as well.  Good luck with your appointment - we'll compare notes after the 18th!
on 2/2/11 6:14 am - Canada
Well congrats on loosing the 16 lbs!!!!!!!  Sorry to hear that things are not good at work or personally.  That is something that I struggle with and as a result tend to eat for comfort.  I'm working hard to change it, but it's definately hard.  Keep working hard and don't beat yourself up for falling off the wagon, it happens to all of us.  We'll definately have to compare notes after our appts.  It'll be interesting to see how these new 2 docs work out and to learn more about them and their expectations.
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