Update on my consult with Dr Nguyen

on 12/21/10 8:30 am - Kelowna, Canada
 I drove to Vancouver Sunday and met with Dr Nguyen Monday morning @ 9:30.  He is a really nice man!  I was pleasantly surprised.  I had a lot of questions, and he took the time to go through them all, and he didn't rush me at all.  His program is new - they have been petitioning to be able to do WLS for years, and they finally got approval.  They start in January.  He is a bariatric surgeon, and has performed the same surgery as RNY except in cancer patients.  He said it is the same surgery but when they mentioned doing it for weight loss, they got shut down - something about it being a political issue.  So although he has not done RNY for weight loss, he has performed thousands of these surgeries on cancer patients.  Sounds like he has a great team working with him - they have a dietician program you have to go through, an internist he works with, psychiatrist, etc..  I'm taking the next steps, and he says that I should be having my surgery in June!!  6 months!!!  I'm so excited.
I'll keep you posted on how things go.  
on 12/21/10 9:47 am - Canada
Hi Michelle,
I will be seeing Dr Nguyen on Jan 18th. Oh how exciting to hear 6 months as an estimated wait time  rather than 5 years !!! How does the dietitian program work  when you live away, ( I live way North 1600 kms away from Vancouver)?  
on 12/27/10 10:24 am - Kelowna, Canada
 Hi Heather, 
I'm not sure exactly how it's going to work yet, but I have already received a call from the Garrett Wellness Centre (where the dietician program is run) for the first appt (which is also Jan 18th! lol).  Dr N said that he thinks they will be able to work my dietician in Kelowna so that I don't have to travel back and forth so much.  The lady at the Garrett Wellness Centre was saying that there is a 7 week program that runs Wed. nights, so obviously I won't be able to attend.  But it sounds like this is all the info we will need before the surgery - how to eat properly after surgery, how to read labels, life style change, etc etc.  They are sending me the course outline so I can try to find something similar here.  In the meantime, I am going to try to get my dietician to contact them so I could possibly have the first appt in Kelowna rather than driving out.  
If I do end up going to Van, we should try to meet up since we'll be there the same day!
on 12/27/10 2:22 am - Surrey, Canada
I'm so glad your appointment went well! How long did you wait to see him?
It will be so wonderful to have a doctor on the mainland!!!

Why would cancer patience need this surgery though?

on 12/27/10 10:26 am - Kelowna, Canada
 I only waited about 2.5 months before my appt.  I am not sure why cancer patients need the surgery.. to take out tumours maybe?
on 12/28/10 3:55 am - Canada
That would be nice to meet up. Hopefully they can work with the local dietitian rather than having to travel to Vancouver though. I will also have the same issue living away. I am pretty excited for my appointment. I am hoping to have the sleeve. I will keep you posted.
I think that the surgery is used in patients with stomach cancer, or at high risk, to prevent it.

on 12/29/10 1:39 pm - Vancouver, Canada
Hi Ladies: I live in Vancouver and am seeing Dr. Sampath, who is Dr. Nguyen's partner.
It is great to hear about what you are planning, and would be nice to keep in contact. I will be doing the Nutrition sessions in January, and potentially surgery in Feb. I am scared and hoping that this is the right decision for me. I have failed so many other times and would be devastated if I were to lose the weight, only to regain after having had the surgery.

I would love to hear if any of you are also nervous about this.
on 12/30/10 12:26 am - Kelowna, Canada
Hi marnew,
Are you part of the pilot?  Dr Nguyen mentioned there were approx 10 people in the pilot project.  I wish I could attend the nutrition sessions!  I'd be interested in hearing about them. 
Are you getting RNY?  I understand your fear...  for me, I had to do a lot of self-searching to decide that I am 100% committed to this process.  If I'm going to physically alter my body through sugery, then I am going to use that along with the other tools I've learned to be successful.
It would be great to keep in touch with you!
on 12/30/10 1:39 pm - Vancouver, Canada
I guess I am part of the "pilot", though it has never been referred to me in this way. And I am thinking about the RNY.
Yes - let's keep in  touch!
on 12/31/10 12:58 am - Canada
Nice to meet you Marina. When did you first see Dr Sampath? 
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