X-Post: 100 Pounds lost (And a proposition for the OH Community)

Margo N.
on 11/11/10 3:38 am
  BEFORE - Size 26-28 - 283 pounds

LAST WEEK - Size 14 - 186 pounds

Well, today is the day that I stepped on my scale to discover that I now weigh 100 pounds less than my highest weight! I haven't reached my goal, and I still have a poufy tummy, some back flab, wobbly upper arms, a saggy butt, and upper thigh skin that I can fold, but I have achieved every single one of the functional goals that I set for myself when I decided to have WLS.

I am off of all blood pressure medications.
I no longer have sleep apnea.
I no longer experience stress incontinence.
I have no more arthritis paiin.
I can shop in regular-size clothing stores.
My blood sugars are normal.
My cholesterol and triglycerides are low.
I enjoy physical activity.
I eat a healthy diet and enjoy occasional treats.
I can wear high heels without debilitating pain!
I can canoe, kayak and horseback ride.
No more seatbelt extenders on planes!
I look GOOD in a pair of jeans and a simple white shirt with a belt.
The bath towel fits ALL the way around with room to tuck in.
I can paint my own toenails without huffing and puffing.
I have collar bones, and hip bones, and cheek bones, and ribs!
I can ROCK a pencil skirt with fishnet stockings and heels.


I usually recognize my milestones with little gifts to myself, this time though, I have decided to donate $100.00 and 100 pounds of high quality protein food (Peanut Butter, Tuna, Beans etc)  to my local food bank. Would anyone like to join me in this campaign during the holiday season? All of us have lots to be thankful for as our health and daily experience of life has improved - I think it would be fantastic if, to the extent each of us is able, we celebrated this with a gift of nutritious food to our communities, particularly in this period of recession and hard times for so many people.

Who wants to donate food or funds equal to the number of pounds they have lost???

To make it fun, I will be taking a photo of myself next to the 100 pounds of food that I purchase to donate and will post this on OH as well as other forums in which I participate and on my other blog.

Anyone wanna join me? I will cross post this suggestion, and I would love to collate stats on how much we collectively donate - if anyone wants to send me their donation intent / info, I will compile the figures and post regular updates on OH.

Margo - Burnaby, British Columbia HW 283 / SW 269 / GW 160 (I'm 5'8")
Check out my blog at http://www.vsggoodlife.com/

on 11/11/10 4:34 am - San Felipe, Mexico
Hi Margo,

I am preparing for my surgery in early Dec. and will be cleaning out the cupboards etc of good food that I won't be eating anymore. My husband is away for 5 mos and he won't know that I will have sent easily 100 lbs to our local soup kitchen. So "Thanks" for doing this and I will start the process tomorrow! Have a great day and congrats on your 100 lb milestone!
Margo N.
on 11/11/10 4:37 am
Yeah! I will add your 100 pounds to the total of food donated. Will be thinking of you as you go through surgery. Thanks!
Margo - Burnaby, British Columbia HW 283 / SW 269 / GW 160 (I'm 5'8")
Check out my blog at http://www.vsggoodlife.com/

on 11/11/10 5:21 am - San Felipe, Mexico
No problem! I grow fresh veggies for the soup kitchen during the season and always happy  to help in the winter months.
on 11/20/10 4:28 am - North Vancouver, Canada
I also gave this season in the form of food gift certificates, $250. I wished I had lost another 100 lbs, but down 150 lbs so far, and as of right now my weight has stopped dropping but then again I haven't gained either.

I think this is a fantastic idea to donat food or funds equal to the number of pounds lost.

on 12/1/10 5:01 am - Vancouver, Canada
That's fantastic Margo! I am considering the surgery now. Have met with surgeon once and am very fearful I have difficulty with binge eating (sweets) and am worried about how I will handle this post surgery. Did you have any problems with this? I am so scared of getting the surgery done and then failing at it.....
on 12/29/10 4:26 pm - Burnaby, Canada
 Wow Margo look at you,  it has been forever since i have been on OH and what a surprise when I went thru your pics.  Well done!!!

I am down 111 pounds since March 30th so I know how you feel,  is amazing isn't it!!!  wahoooooo!

Don't you love going into regular stores and trying on modern things that actually FIT!

Take care, just wanted to say hi.

Take Care

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