Heartburn for 21 days

on 10/13/10 10:41 pm - North Vancouver, Canada
Ive had major heartburn and stomach pain for 21 days, and have been back and forth to the doctor trying to get this to clear up, tried different medications but nothing has worked.

I got in to see the gastroentrologist yesterday, and he said because I have tried every medication to get rid of this heartburn and stomach pain, that there is nothing else to try as far as medication, that with all the medication I have had for this it should of cleared up. He is ordering a barium swallow test and he said he believes I am going to need surgery to fix this problem, and will send me to a thoracic surgeon after the barium swallow test is done.


on 10/14/10 3:28 am - North Vancouver, Canada
Gastro's office called this morning, I will get in for the barium swallow next Wednesday.

Margo N.
on 10/14/10 11:56 pm
Yikes! Sorry to hear you are going through this! Could it be related to your hernias?
Margo - Burnaby, British Columbia HW 283 / SW 269 / GW 160 (I'm 5'8")
Check out my blog at http://www.vsggoodlife.com/

on 10/16/10 3:02 am - North Vancouver, Canada
Hi Margo

They aren't sure, but the barium swallow xray this Wednesday will show them hopefully what is causing it.
He says with me because I'm not normal or average.. hey who said I wasn't normal...lol He said everyone is different especially when their insides have been changed. He said normally all the stuff I have taken as far as meds from my gp and him should have worked on it, whether its an ulcer, hiatal hernia or reflux.

Will know more few days after this test is done.
I will post once I have the test results.

on 10/20/10 10:27 am - North Vancouver, Canada
I had the barium swallow xray today, the technician doctor at the hospital says there is no obstruction but that he did see acid reflux. I asked the doctor at the hopsital what would be causing this and he said he wasn't sure. He said the next step is to have a scope, so waiting for the gastrentrologist and the bariatric surgeon to get the results faxed to them. I asked for a copy of the results and they will phone me to pick them up once they are ready.

Still have the heartburn 24/7

on 10/25/10 3:30 pm - North Vancouver, Canada
I went and seen the gastroentrologist today re: my heartburn that continues on just past a month now, the barium xray did not show obstructions, strictures but it did show reflux. He is going to now try me on Prevacid and if that doesnt work, he said I will need a ph (acid test) where they put a tube up your nose and down into your stomach for 24 hours and check the acid levels. He said I may need surgery to tighten the top of my stomach to my esophagus so that the acid doesnt come through, and he said it could be from the hernias but he said to see the gastric bypass surgeon.

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