4 weeks post RNY feeling

on 10/4/10 6:37 am - Parksville, Canada
I'm sorry to sound so negative but I'm wondering what the hell I've done to myself. I had my RNY Sept.15 and it went OK. Alot of vomiting in hospital etc.
Home now and still feel pretty awful. I have a couple of good days then a couple of bad. The bad days a I can't keep anything down. I had about 2 tsp of beef broth and threw it all up. Threw up yesterday after I had my carnation instant breakfast. What the heck is going on? I'm not getting any nutrition and have no energy and fell like hell.
Please can anyone give me some encouragement and suggestions.

on 10/4/10 9:14 pm - North Vancouver, Canada
Hi Michelle

Go back to what you ate right after surgery and see how you are, maybe its just that your new stomach isn't ready for what you may have moved to in the way of food. Are you able to keep down water? jello? an egg? if not then you need to call your surgeon. Remember it will take time to feel better, not sure if you were done lap or open, but your body is still healing.

I would call your surgeon and give him a heads up on what is happening with your new pouch.

I know it took my a while to feel better but then I was done open.

Hang in there it will get easier and better

If you want to talk to someone you can always email me at [email protected]


on 10/5/10 2:54 am - Parksville, Canada
Thanks so much for the message Suzanne. I really appreciate your input.  I am able to keep down water and a bit of soup. Threw up twice yesterday though. I'm drinking some Peppermint tea right now, so far so good.  I had the lap procedure.

I'm going to call Dr.Tang's office and let them know.

I sure hope it gets easier, my mood is worsening every day.

on 10/6/10 4:41 am - Surrey, Canada
Definatly call the Dr's office and let them know what's up.
I was vomitting once every second week and Dr Malik wanted me to go for another scope to check for ulcers.
Are you taking prevaid or the parriot? If your only taking one, double it and take on in the morning and one at night. (That's what Dr. M told me), are you able to take gravol?

Good luck


on 10/6/10 5:41 am - Parksville, Canada
I have to go see the surgeon tomorrow. I vomited twice yesterday. I can't even keep a tsp of pureed food down. I am taking Pantaloc twice daily already.

I am going to try some Gravol. To be honest I'm getting myself so worked up about I'm afraid to eat anything at this point.

I will post once I see the dr tomorrow.

Thanks for the message

on 10/6/10 3:15 pm - North Vancouver, Canada

Let us know what Dr. Tang says.

Take care

on 10/9/10 3:50 pm - Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada
 HI Michelle,
I am in Nanaimo, so if you need any help or support please message me and I can give you my phone number etc... My only suggestion at this point is if you are comfortable doing an injection yourself you can get injectible gravol without a prescription.  They can give you the needle etc... Or a suppository will work too just not as quickly and maybe not as effective.  If you can do the injection the Gravol will help with the nausea, now it will just be the trick to find out why you are doing it in the first place.  I had the Vertical sleeve surgery but had the same complication as you in the beginning. Acid was definitely a big part of my problem.  I ended on 2 different kinds of acid reducers.  Made a huge difference.

             VSG Maintenance Group Forum        http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/VSGM/discussion/


on 10/10/10 3:22 am - Parksville, Canada
Me again. Saw my surgeon on Thursday. He's ordering another swallow test to see if the opening is constricted. He does'nt think it is since I'm able to keep down my water/tea etc. I think it is cause there's a fix for that. I would have to see a GI dr to have a balloon put down and stretch out the new opening.
If it isn't consticted Dr.Tang actually said he does'nt know what the issue is. I have ketones in my urine cause my body is starving. I've lost 25lbs in 3.5 weeks (soooo not worth it). I truly want this reversed. I have not felt good in 4 weeks.
Family dr will not allow me to go back to work till I'm able to eat something and have some nutrition in me.
So I'm hoping the swallow test will be ASAP, then we will go from there.

Thanks guys,

on 10/10/10 5:06 am, edited 10/10/10 10:23 am - North Vancouver, Canada
Hi Michelle

When I had my surgery done, I had the RNY done open, I ended up with pleursy afterwards, I was on two different antibiotics one for the pleursy and one that was started with my gastric bypass. I was so sick to my stomach that I almost went back to the emerg. Everything was going through me like crazy, and it was coming out green. I was put on medication for my stomach most gp's don't know about it, it evened out my stomach, your surgeon should be able to give you something to help you. I think my body was in shock after everything with surgery, 6 hours surgery done open. I was on clear liquids longer than most, because my stomach had a hard time adjusting.

It took well over a month and a half for me to feel human again, I am the exception to the rule.

If you want to talk, you can email me at [email protected]

Hang in there, hope you get in for your test quickly.

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