Dr A's office asked for another referral

on 10/4/10 6:15 am - Souris, Canada
I have been asked by Dr Amson's office for another doctor referral as it has been over 6 months since my last referral. I was under the impression that once your family doctor sent a referral and you seen the doctor (Dr Amson) that you wouldn't need another referral. I seen Dr Amson in October of 2008 and he told me then that we would correspond by e-mail as I live in Manitoba. I got all the tests done that he had asked of me and as far as I know all of the results were sent to his office in BC. I had called Dr Amson's office in June 2010 to see where abouts I was on the list and was told by receptionist to get another referral. I hope I don't have to start the wait all over again! New family doc won't give me a referral either. Says he wants to work with me first.. I have tried this before too.......
on 10/4/10 12:40 pm - North Vancouver, Canada

Yes you need another referral if it has been six months since you have seen him, but this doesn't mean you start over it's just what medical requires for you to see the specialist again.

on 10/4/10 11:32 pm - Souris, Canada
Thanks for the explanation Suzanne. But what if my new family doctor won't send in the referral. He wants to send me to an other doctor in Brandon for a consult on a Type 2 hernia that I have and whether this doctor in Brandon thinks it would be a good idea for me to have the gastric bypass.
on 10/6/10 4:39 am - Surrey, Canada
It's very common and dumb as far as I'm concerned since it's his office that makes the appointments so far away.
Don't worry though, as Suzanne said, it's just jumping through hoops and you'll still have your place in line on his list.
Remember with your doctor, you PAY HIM, so either TELL him you want another referral or find another doctor.

Good luck!


on 10/6/10 4:45 am - Souris, Canada

Thanks bbwvixen, I will do just that. Although my family doctor is sending me to a specialist to see about a type 2 hernia that I have, he also is asking the specialist if he thinks that I am a good candidate for the bypass surgery. I see this specialist in November so maybe he will give me the referral. I also heard from some other people in Manitoba that we now have 2 doctors here that do the gastric bypass so may get on one of their wait lists too and just wait to see who takes me first. I have been on Dr Amson's list since 2007, have had ALL my tests done and am still no closer to a surgery date. I am a patient person but soon the patience may run out.


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