X-post: 6 Month surgery anniversary (Photos)

Margo N.
on 8/15/10 11:47 am, edited 8/16/10 12:21 am
So, today it has been six months since I had my surgery. Still at 75 pounds lost - same as my last post a couple days ago. That's 6 pounds down over the last month - which isn't too bad considering I was on vacation, and not really eating or exercising according to my usual routine for most of the month. One thing that was exciting today is that I looked at the difference in my measurements from my pre-op high weight:

Neck Before: 17.25"  Now:14" (-3.25 inches)
Wrist Before: 7" Now 6.5 " (-.5  inch)
Forearm Before: 11" Now 10" (-1 inch)
Upper arm Before 14" Now 14" (No change)
Bust Before 54" Now 45" (-9 inches)
Waist Before 49" Now 36.5" (-12.5 inches)
Hips Before 60" Now 47" (- 13 inches)
Thighs Before 34.5" Now 24" (- 10.5 inches)
Calf Before 20" Now 16.5 (-3.5 inches)
Ankle Before 10" Now 9.5" (-.5 inch)
Ribcage Before 49" Now 37" (-12 inches)

That's a lotta inches!

Second, we went to the beach today and my husband took some snapshots, including one of me in a bathing suit, and none of them make me cringe or feel ashamed. Although I am still very much on the large size of normal, I do feel normal and healthy and attractive, even with the lumps and bumps and saggy bits (hello thighs! how ya hanging tummy?!) that remain. This is a great feeling! I am seeing a more shapely form with a lot of curves emerge from my previously beach-ball shaped figure and I am liking it a lot.

Honestly, I believe that I will continue to lose weight for some time, but even if I didn't lose another pound, this surgery would be worth the money and effort that it has cost. Prior to surgery I was starting to feel, due to my weight, that my life and the activities and experiences available to me were getting smaller and smaller. Now I can hike, swim, canoe, kayak, camp, etc with my husband and daughter - (not to mention shop in SO many more stores!) - without fatigue or pain. I figure I have bought myself at least ten additional years before the need for more surgery on my arthritic knees, and that I have certainly delayed or limited the likelihood of heart surgery and other cardio-vascular complications and procedures.

The other weird thing (for me, anyway)? I am finding that I actually enjoy and look forward to exercise and physical activity. At 282 pounds it just isn't all that fun to move around - my joints hurt a lot, I was short of breath, my heart pounded - and not in a good way either. Now I still get out of breath sometimes, but that is because I am exerting myself -and it feels good - and I don't feel like I might drop dead on the side of a hiking trail because my heart has pounded its way out of my chest. I am really enjoying working hard with my personal trainer - who knew that I had biceps lurking under those flabby arms?!

Tomorrow morning I'll take my usual shots in skivies, and post on my OH blog.

I am an infrequent poster these days - very busy! - but continue to appreciate the support and information on this forum!

XOX, Margo
Margo - Burnaby, British Columbia HW 283 / SW 269 / GW 160 (I'm 5'8")
Check out my blog at http://www.vsggoodlife.com/

on 8/16/10 9:31 am - Canada
Congratulations Margo!  You look amazing!

I am going to Dr. Aceves next month, and so excited to see some changes as well!

on 8/16/10 9:31 am - Canada
Congratulation Margo - you look amazing!!

I am going to Dr. Aceves next month and I am excited to see some changes too!

on 8/16/10 11:31 pm - North Vancouver, Canada

Hi Margo

Congratulations on your weight loss, you look fantastic, your pictures are wonderful. Very happy for you and how great you've done on your weight loss journey.

Hope you are having a great summer.

on 8/18/10 12:13 pm - Vancouver, Canada
Wow you look amazing, congrats!!

on 9/1/10 11:29 am - Surrey, Canada
You look wonderful! Good for you :)

Margo N.
on 9/1/10 1:16 pm
Thank you!
Margo - Burnaby, British Columbia HW 283 / SW 269 / GW 160 (I'm 5'8")
Check out my blog at http://www.vsggoodlife.com/

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