Dr Nguyen in Richmond

on 8/9/10 6:01 am - Vancouver, Canada
Does anyone out there have any feedback or knowledge about this Dr. who is apparently doing bands and sleeves at Richmond Hospital right now?  I'm helping a friend with her surgery research so was wondering if anyone had any info abou this doc.  Thanks!
on 8/9/10 11:30 am - Canada
i dont think he is doing sleeves I think that is only being done in vic by 3 drs here.
on 8/9/10 3:35 pm - Vancouver, Canada
Actually he just started, I know of one person so far that he did it on.  Apparently the wait for surgery with him is 10 months but I don't know how experienced he is??
Spring Rainn's
on 8/18/10 12:06 pm - Canada
I was wondering if you've found any further info yet about this surgeon. A neighbor is considering surgery and is originally from bc.
on 8/18/10 12:10 pm - Vancouver, Canada
Not much else except that he doesn't have too much experience with Sleeve surgeries and he has a terrible bedside manner.  That's all I've heard but never met him so I can speak from personal experience.
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