Dr M

on 6/23/10 10:20 am - Canada
I saw Dr M on monday for a scope and he told me Nov for my Surgery and than I was talking to MOA today and said maybe this summer.  So keep your fingers crossed for me.

on 6/23/10 1:35 pm - Canada
Fingers crossed!  I am currently working on my 10% - have you been able to accomplish that and was he happy with your progress so far?
on 6/23/10 3:47 pm - Vancouver, Canada
Good luck!
            Plus an additional 42.2lbs pre op! Starting weight 300lbs.                 
on 6/23/10 11:37 pm - Canada
I have 5 lbs to go. 

I have waited so long for this.
on 6/27/10 12:38 am - Canada
I am so glad to hear this!  I know you were struggling for some time there.  This is fabulous news! 

    Ruby Trout 


on 6/27/10 12:51 am - Canada
thank you so much I am just real hoping that this happins for me.

How did everythign go for you? 
on 6/28/10 12:32 pm - Canada

Amazing!  Things are really good.  I have lost 30 pounds since surgery.  I can't complain, really.  I have been impatient to get going on a more rigorous exercise program.  I still have trouble getting all my protein in (which is to be expected) bu****er is not a big problem for me.  In fact, I hated drinking water before surgery.  I always had to have crystal light in it.  Now, I can easily drink 2 liters plain and then some.  I am happy for that. 

It will happen!  If you were not a good candidate,  you wouldn't have gotten this far!  The only big problem would be if you had a medical condition barring  you from this type of surgery. 

    Ruby Trout 


on 6/28/10 12:48 pm - Canada
I got a call from M moa I called her back and left her msg please everyone send me good thoughts
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