BMI of 50+

on 6/23/10 5:33 pm
Hello everyone,

I have been reading everyone's messages here and I have become really hopeful, like there could be a light at the end of the tunnel.  Basically the reason for this thread is three-fold. 

First, as a 25 year old male 5'10  367 lbs  (bmi 52) I have been in the 99th percentile of since I was in grade school. I have been living  with Acid Reflux, frequent chest pain and lower back pain would those be co-morbidities qualify for the out of country surgery?

Secondly, the GP I had as a teenager seems to have retired and I havent seen any other doctor since then.  Does anyone know a good doctor who is knowledgable in bariatrics who would be the best to refer to Victoria or to an out of country surgeon.  Who was the doctor that referred you?  Were they hesitant to do so?  Was there anyone else in a similar situation as mine who could shed some light on this for me?

Lastly, which surgery would the surgeons be most likely to suggest?  I struggle with sugary foods as well as volume eating.

Im not entirely certain that this is the best place for these questions but if anyone could help me to answer any of them or maybe direct me to a better place to pose them it would be greatly appreciated.

-25 year old guy hoping to get a real chance at a real life
on 6/24/10 2:10 pm - North Vancouver, Canada

You should get a gp as you will need a referral from a gp to so see a bariatric surgeon, the ones in Victoria are Dr. Amson, Dr. Tang and Dr. Malik.

The surgery decided upon depends on you and the surgeon and what you both decide.

Lapband is not covered by MSP and is private pay.

Roux-EN-Y which I had is covered by MSP, as is the Sleeve. Would suggest you get the book Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies book, you can order at any book store.

Two other website to try are and

on 6/25/10 10:13 am - Surrey, Canada
Welcome to the fourms :)

I just had my surgery with Dr Malik last month on the 4th. I went with RNY which is covered because I have a real bad sweet tooth and I'd also gorge myself.
Boy is it working lol I've lost 36 lbs so far!

You didn't mention which city your in, but I've found not many GP's are very knowledgable about WLS. Just go in and demand a referral :)

Good luck 

on 6/30/10 3:51 pm - Canada

In fact, it wouldn't hurt to take the information on the surgeonss with you when you go to your GP.  A BMI over 50 would most certainly qualify you for surgery.  Add a few co-morbidities (diabetes, sleep apnea, plantar faciitis, heart disease and so on, and you have a chance at getting surgery faster by going out of country.  You can find information on applying for OOC surgery at 

I wish you all the best. 

    Ruby Trout 


(deactivated member)
on 7/1/10 12:02 pm
Dr. Hembroff is accepting new patients, he is a family doctor.
Lena S.
on 7/15/10 8:03 am, edited 7/15/10 8:03 am - abbotsford bc, Canada
First off just let me say that I am so proud that you are asking all these questions at such a young age! I personally wish that I had looked into having surgery earlier, because it has so changed my life to the good!

You have already got so great advice about the only 3 surgeons in BC who perform WLS surgeries, Malik has the shortest waiting list and he is booking referral appointments in October right now. Generally people wait about 1yr-2yrs for surgery with Malik, and 3-5 years for Amson. As to surgery types, for you, b/c you have issues with sugar I would recommend the RNY b/c eating sugar makes you SiCk! Of course in the long run the choice of what surgery you have has little to do with your success, it is all up to you and what you choose to put in your mouth and do with your body. If you eat crap and don't move your butt you will continue to be fat.

I am not sure what city you are in so I can't really recommend a GP for you. I would highly suggest that you attend a support group. There are guys in these groups as well in fact there are 3 in my group!

Please feel free to email me and I will try and put you in touch with a support group in your area [email protected]
Abbotsford BC

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