Vancouver Thursday June 3rd weight loss support meeting

on 5/30/10 5:15 am, edited 5/30/10 5:18 am - North Vancouver, Canada
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We are starting a weight loss surgery support meeting in Vancouver. We will meet the first Thursday of every month from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm. First meeting will be June 3rd.<br />
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We have just been given a meeting room space in Mount St. Joseph's Hospital in Vancouver <br />
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Sister Germaine Roy Conference Room<br />
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You come into the Prince Edward Entrance to the building take the elevator up to the 1st floor, turn left walk down a few doorways to your right and that is where we will meet.<br />
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There is paid parking its $1.75 per half hour, there is some street parking as well.<br />
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Any questions please email [email protected]<br />
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on 6/3/10 3:00 pm - Vancouver, Canada
I am so bummed as I really wanted to attend.  But today is my husbands birthday and I thougth it would be nice to spend it with him.

Not that we could go out to eat or anything.
            Plus an additional 42.2lbs pre op! Starting weight 300lbs.                 
on 6/3/10 3:20 pm, edited 6/3/10 3:37 pm - North Vancouver, Canada


Im sorry you missed the meeting as well but there will be next month the first Thursday of every month, same place Mt. St Joseph's Hospital, 1st floor coming in through the Prince Edward Entrance, take the elevator up to the 1st floor, turn left come down the hall its about the 3-4 room on your right, Sister Germaine Roy conference room 7:30 to 9 pm.

You can always put your name on our sign up sheet, as long as you are okay with others at the meeting having your email address, or phone number that way if you miss a meeting we can email you in general terms what happened at the meeting.

If you have any topics you want to see at the meeting then email me that as well.

Any questions please emaill me at

[email protected]


on 6/3/10 3:48 pm - Vancouver, Canada
I will absolutely be at the next meeting.  I can't wait!
            Plus an additional 42.2lbs pre op! Starting weight 300lbs.                 
on 6/5/10 3:41 pm - Vancouver, Canada
Suzanne,  Sorry I missed the first meeting, I had hoped to be there but had to work.  Were there a lot of people?  I look forward to next months meeting.

on 6/5/10 5:34 pm - North Vancouver, Canada
Hi Gina

There were five people there, but we are hoping that the numbers grow the more people hear about the Vancouver weight loss surgery support group.

Look forward to seeing you at the next meeting.

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