May 20, 2010

on 5/25/10 3:03 pm - Canada
I had my surgery on May 20 and I am feeling fine.  I am looking forward to going home tomorrow after seeing Dr. Malik. 
I am having some trouble telling if I am full or not.  I am plain and simply not hungry.  I get the shakes sometimes and I think I narrowly avoided dumping this morning on Crystal Light peach/raspberry.  I can tolerate the ice tea flavor though. 

    Ruby Trout 


on 5/25/10 4:29 pm - North Vancouver, Canada

Oh I remember that feeling so well of not knowing if I was full or not, I would measure at that point to be on the safe side, it took me quite a while before I could tell if I was full. Someone once told me if you get the hiccups then you know youve over done it, worked for me thats for sure. At this point your are at just trying to get the water and vitamins in is hard, it will come just takes time.

Congratulations on your surgery cant wait to hear how things go.

on 5/28/10 2:20 am, edited 5/28/10 2:21 am - Surrey, Canada
Ahhhh Ruby Trout, I still have that problem with not knowing if I'm full or not!
I remember the first two weeks, I would only eat a few tablespoons and then stop.
Even now, eating's more of chore then anything else (and here I thought I'd never hear myself say that!)
For breakfast, I'll have a small yogurt or some cream of wheat, lunch is usually a egg, or protein drink, then dinner is usually chicken or fish.

Oh, and I fogot to mention I was very wobbly and still am at times. I wasn't taking my iron like I was suppose to so that has helped now, but sometimes you just need to go really slow.

p.s do you have Dr Malik's new assistant's email? I only have Kara's and he mentioned something to replace the acid pills he gave me for the first month :)

on 6/8/10 3:56 pm - Canada

I am not going to be much help. I don't have Elena's email address. I take rabeprazole and that has been good. I think that you pretty much end up taking this for life though. Ask Dr. M and I am sure he will give you an answer.

How's it going anyway? I hear you on the wobbly bits. I can't stand the iron I have and I had better start taking it or I will be low when I go for my 1 month check up with my pcp. Argggh! Everything else is going very well.

    Ruby Trout 


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