
on 3/13/10 11:00 am - Vancouver, Canada
My BMI is very, very high but all my blood tests came back normal.  Cholesterol is good, blood sugar levels good blah, blah, blah.

Because of this my Doctor said she cannot refer me for any wls.  So I am willing to pay out of pocket.  What I would like though is some prices.  I've heard the one place in Vancouver is approx. $17,000.

With our dollar almost at par I was thinking of going to the States to get the procedure done.  

Is anyone familiar with the costs?  I'm interested in the lap band.

(I'm in Vancouver)

Thanks so much.
on 3/13/10 12:06 pm - Canada
Hi there
 Wow your Dr said she won't refer you for WLS..I'm kinda shocked
 I also have a high BMI (50)and shockingly I am in good health aswell..cholesterol is good ,blood pressure is great, no diabetes the only thing wrong with me is I'm REALLY overweight and my knees aren't good and my back isnt aswell, Yet my Dr reffered me to Alberta's Weight Wise program which is the beggining of the proccess to getting weight loss surgery.
  Well I really don't feel like waiting 2.5 yrs to finally get to having surgery so I have been researching surgery in Mexico..seems the place to have it rite now and its ALOT cheaper then anywere else. Of course its a self pay thing but for me I don't care its worth it in the maybe look into Mexico for your surgery or go to the Mexico forum here and take a look there are ALOT of women who can't say enough good things about some of there Dr's there.
  Me personally I think I have finally set on a Dr in TJ. Mexico called Dr Almanaz and his website is  take a look and there are alot of other Dr you could find on the Mexico forum.
      Good luck in your search
on 3/14/10 3:24 am - Vancouver, Canada
Thanks!  I will look into it.  My BMI is 49.  One would think that the doctors would be game for any way for me to lose the weight.

I'm nervous about this procedure but at this point I'm willing to do what it takes. 

Thanks again.
on 3/14/10 3:52 pm - Canada, Canada
Just a short note before I hit the sack.
I am booked with Dr. Almanza in April in TJ
It was a simple decision for me after I did all my research and I got alot of help with people on this site.
I wasn't going to wait... didn't even see my local doc before I made my commitment.
I did call Victoria and Kelowna for pricing but... wow... what a difference.
I can keep you up to date if you wish.
Mexico is not scary fro me as I winter (6 months) on the MX / TEX border and go to MX every week... shopping and drinking. Hmmm... guess the drinking part will change.
on 3/15/10 4:06 am - Vancouver, Canada
On March 14, 2010 at 10:52 PM Pacific Time, bigisbad wrote:
Just a short note before I hit the sack.
I am booked with Dr. Almanza in April in TJ
It was a simple decision for me after I did all my research and I got alot of help with people on this site.
I wasn't going to wait... didn't even see my local doc before I made my commitment.
I did call Victoria and Kelowna for pricing but... wow... what a difference.
I can keep you up to date if you wish.
Mexico is not scary fro me as I winter (6 months) on the MX / TEX border and go to MX every week... shopping and drinking. Hmmm... guess the drinking part will change.
I have received a few email with the prices and won do the prices ever vary.

I have done tonnes of reading in the last 36 hours and I have decided to get the VSG.  For me, I believe, this is the right way to go.  

I am curious about one more thing.  How long does one have to wait, approximately, for an appointment for surgery?  I would like to have mine before July.  Is this reasonable or is the wait list longer? That is only 3.5 months.  Hmm.......I better get on it!

Good luck and please keep me posted on your journey and progress.  How exciting for you!

on 3/14/10 8:31 am - North Vancouver, Canada
The doctor I was seeing four years ago told me to diet, and exercise the weight off but at 380 lbs that was impossible and so I went and got a new gp and she thanfully referred me to a gastric bypass surgeon and I had my surgery just over a year ago, and I am down 128 lbs with another 80 lbs to go.

on 3/14/10 3:03 pm - Canada
I am with Suzanne on this one: get another doctor.  You are still eligible for WLS here in BC.  Also, there is a whole host of other things that you may be experiencing that are related to weight but not testable by blood test.  Some of these include plantar faciitis, shin splints, intertrigo, depression, low self esteem, arthritis or general joint pain, how your weight interferes with daily life, pregnancy, lymph edema, ... the list goes on.  Google "obesity+associated illnesses" and I am sure you will come up with a whole host of lovely issues. 
Even if you don't have other issues, you are STILL eligible for WLS.  Don't be put off by one doctor (no matter how great s/he is) if this is what  you want to pursue. 

    Ruby Trout 


on 3/15/10 4:17 am - Vancouver, Canada
You are correct about other issues I may be facing  but I don't want to be put on a four year waiting list.  I would rather just pay out of pocket and get the surgery done on my time frame.

Google is sometimes my friend and sometimes my foe.  I am worried that if I google obesity+associated illnesses I'll think I have most of them.  Like in psych classes we would discuss metal health diseases I would  have one of the fifty criteria and think I have an issue.  (insert rolley eyes here)

My dotor is so not great.  I need to find another one. 
on 3/15/10 6:24 am - Canada, Canada
The average wait time is 3 or 4 weeks in most of Mexico.
Some doctors have openings that can get you in the same week.
As long as you have time to pre diet... 3 to 7 days of clear liquids as such.
I was going to get the lap band but because I live rural I did not feel that it would be feasible to travel 6 to 8 hours for fills etc.
The more I learned about the sleeve... the more I wanted that surgery.
Prices are between $5000 and $7000
Hope this helps
on 3/15/10 3:59 pm - Canada
Hi there

I have just paid to have the surgery in Edmonds, but the clinic I go to is in Bellingham.  They are called Puget Sound Surgical Center.  Me I just love them there.  From my first appt. Jan 13/10 I am having my surgery March 24th.  May have been earlier except went away on holidays for about 2 weeks.  PSSC has seminars in the lower mainland all the time.  Check there site and there is info there for the upcoming ones.  First Dr. appt was $250. and depending on the type of surgery you have that of course gets you your price  For the sleeve it is 20,300.00 and that includes 2 years of follow up with the Dr and nutritionist and the fella that helps with an exercise program for you.  Hope this helps.

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