Wait times for referrals
I think it depends on who you get reffered to. Some doctors have a much longer waiting time than others.
I have been told that people have been waiting for 1 1/2 years to see a doc for their first appt, others have waited longer and some much less.
I know that doesn't specifically answer your question. Do you have a referal to a doctor already?
Dr Malik is alot quicker, although how long I'm not sure. I got referred to Dr Rusnak last May, took about six weeks to see him, but then he retired last summer. I met Dr Malik who took over his case load in September and just got my date for May 4th :)
My referral though, was during a time where nobody really realized that Dr Rusnak/Malik was doing it!!!!!
Good luck!
So happy to hear that you got your date BBW!
As far as I know Dr. Malik doesn't have any more special criteria than any other surgeon, he does expect you to keep and exercise and food journal, and to try and lose weight. He may also send you for a pysche evaluation.
Abbotsford BC

Hi there. I've seen Dr. Malik twice now. He will send you for a lot of tests (Psychiatric Evaluation, Abdomen Ultrasound, Colonoscopy, Dietician and Endocrinologist). He will then want you to keep and start a food/exercise journal and lose at least 10% of your body weight before he will give you a surgery date. It took me very little time to get in to see him, but I'm just now working on the food/exercise journal and weight loss. I see him again in August.
Good Luck!
Ruby Trout
Dr. Malik never said anything to me at either appointment about BMI. Just to get the tests done (first appointment) and then to review the tests and tell me about the 10% weight loss and the journalling (second appointment).
I think if I were starting again, I would go with Dr. Malik. Who wants to weight 18 months just for an appointment?
Good Luck!