Long Time Lurker

on 3/4/10 12:38 pm - Surrey, Canada
Hi Everyone, A little info on me. My name is Nikki I am 32 and married we have 1 teenage daughter hoping for a second baby by the time I am 35. I live in Surrey. I am a very long time lurker from the original yahoo site BC-WLS which I found when I just stated researching wls through a blog that Kris had I believe she was still pre-op at that time.   I am a patient of Dr Tangs; I was originally with Amson, then Woodhead then Menenghetti and now with Dr Tang. I put my journey on hold for a while as when my hubby had his 34th b-day 3 days latter he was diagnosed with congestive heart failure so there was allot of time worrying about his health and he has been in the hospital allot. Eventually he will be having heart transplant surgery but for now he is stable so I have decided to continue on with my journey for better heath.   I have had all tests required for over a year now mostly done by previous doctors that I just brought to Dr. Tang. I have had everything he wanted me to get done and brought that with me to my last appointment which was in Feb 09. He told me last year my date would be no later than summer, but with all the cut backs that did not happen.   Well one year later and I finally have a date, but I am a little sceptical because it is so far away still. My question is has anyone else received dates from Dr. Tang lately? and how much notice is usually given when people get dates? mine seems so far away. What are the chances of being bumped has anybody been bumped and were they rescheduled right away?   The surgery I have opted for is the sleeve I am 5' 3 and 256 pounds but I am second guessing my choice. Sorry so long but I am a little obsessed now since I know my time is finally coming and I am worried about being bumped. Thanks for listening Nikki
on 3/4/10 5:16 pm
Hi there.  I'm a new member, just today!  And as you can probably see from my ticker, I've got a ways to go.

I'm not ready for surgery yet.  I am doing super good with eating healthier choices and exercising.  I'm just starting my search at surgical options as well. 

I had no idea that weight loss surgery waits were so long.  Although MSP does cover some of these surgeries, the majority of patients pay out of pocket.  I've heard anyways.  Interesting!

I'm hoping for a magic pill.  HA HA
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