OOC surgery approved

on 1/31/10 6:39 pm - Harrison Hot Springs, Canada
So I haven't been to the boards in a long time...I had to stay away for a while because all this reading about the surgery, and all the getting nowhere with everything was starting to really hurt my mental health...buuuuut finally after 3 denials I was approved for OOC surgery through MSP :)  I see Dr Thirlby at Virginia Mason Hospital in Seattle on February 19th, and will get my date either mid March or early April...it's all very surreal to me, and I won't be completely happy until it's all over and done with...but I'm glad to be back with some more positive things to say, and more positive feelings then I was having before.
(deactivated member)
on 2/1/10 1:51 am - Canada
Awesome.  Congratulations.  We got another one over the wall, people!  Much success to you!
on 2/1/10 2:26 pm - Harrison Hot Springs, Canada
Thank you, I had to go through 3 denials before I was finally approved...to anyone who is going to apply for OOC surgery, I'd just like to say, don't give up...keep applying and sending letters until they are sick of you :P
on 2/1/10 2:12 am - Canada

I wondered where you were as I enjoyed reading your messages.  Congratulations on the approval and let us know how it's going!


on 2/1/10 2:27 pm - Harrison Hot Springs, Canada

Thank you :)  I definately will
on 2/2/10 3:37 pm - Smalltown, Canada
 Hey! I saw your awesome youtube video CC, congrats on approval!! Do you know why you were denied 3x before?

I wonder should I send all my 'ammo' (doctors letters, test results etc...) with my first application, or save it for my appeal (assuming I get denied first). I don't want to send everything I have, get denied, and then have nothing to appeal with! Can anyone else answer to this query too? I've been wondering this for a while!

Congrats again, CC!! Your story is so inspirational!!
on 2/2/10 5:13 pm - Harrison Hot Springs, Canada
first time I was denied is because I had an endocrinologist fill out the forms...they require someone who specialises in bariatric surgery to fill out the forms

second time was because Dr. Rusnak filled out the forms, and he was retiring, so they said that because Dr. Malik was a new surgeon and had a short waiting list, I could wait, but if he sent them a letter saying he supported it, they would consider.

Third time was after dr Malik sent in the letter...it was't good enough so they made me start from scratch.

Be persistent, send them a letter, but the guy at MSP told me when I called that ultimately it is based on what the surgeon says, not you or your family Dr.  I never sent anything in other then my letter, but my surgeon sent in all that stuff anyway.

Thanks so much for watching my video :)  I'll be so excited once it's all over! :P
on 2/5/10 2:14 pm - Surrey, Canada
rofl! I was thinking "this sounds like my friend" and it IS hahahah didn't know it was you though!
ok, I'm tired
on 2/5/10 3:19 pm - Harrison Hot Springs, Canada
Ha ha!  get some sleep woman!  *hugs*!
on 2/14/10 1:55 pm, edited 2/14/10 1:55 pm - Burnaby, Canada
Congrats to you.............glad they finally came thru for you.....

I have my surgery booked for March 30th at VM, Seattle with Dr. Chang.......we aren't far off date wise....

Take Care

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