Dr Malik, Part Deux

on 1/28/10 5:31 am - Canada
I had my second appointment with Dr. Malik yesterday.  After the last fiasco, I was really nervous about seeing Dr. Malik.  Imagine my surprise when it went very well!

He was very kind and open and sat and talked to me.  I had all of the tests he wanted done in the four months between appointments (psychiatrist, dietician, colonoscopy, ultrasound and diabetes checkup).  I had a lot of health issues in the four months (including having to be on prednisone for a while) and he was very understanding about my weight loss.  

We talked about the various surgeries.   He said that he does do lap band, but he does not recommend it under normal cir****tances because there are a lot of problems with it.    He said the VSG is still - in his opinion - rather experimental and does not always work.   So he is saying - for me - the RNY is the best.

He also said that he doesn't have a "wait list" because he doesn't set anyone up for surgery until he has cleared them.  He said that once all is said and done, and we are both satisfied with my progress, that the surgery will come "quickly" afterwards.  He said some doctors put a person on a waitlist as soon as they walk in the door for the first appointment and he said he feels this "inflates" the wait list time.  I was happy with that!

So the next step is for me to lose about 30 pounds, because he said he finds that people who make the commitment and lose 10% of their weight do much better after the surgery.  I am happy with that. 

He said he wants me to do some strength training and swimming (and since I love swimming, I'm happy with that) and see him again in August.

So, all in all, it was a positive appointment and I am happy with the outcome. 

Whew, a much better appointment!! 

And now, on to the next step!

(deactivated member)
on 1/28/10 5:37 am - Canada
That's funny Dr. Malik would say that abouth the Lap Band as I just had mine installed on the 20th with Dr. Amson and I have lost 20 pounds in 8 days.  No blockages, slippages or otherwise.  Barely any appetite for the first time in 15 years of ravenous hunger.

Also my wallet is $15,000 lighter.

I hope you get your RNY soon and that you had such a positive experience with Dr. Malik.  He seems unfairly maligned sometimes.
on 1/30/10 8:27 am - Surrey, Canada
I am sooooooooooooo glad your appointment went better this time around.
I have seen him twice already and am beging to think he's wishy washy about what he says.
My first appointment he said surgery in a month!!!!! (ya right!) then my second appointment
he says "get your stress under control and write down everything you eat for 3-6 MONTHS)He also said the 30lbs I've lost in the last year and kept off, doesn't count as it was due to stress! (WTF?) (as well as walking doesn't count!!!)

Needless to say I was pretty upset :(

I'm seeing him again mid month and I've had all of my tests done ( did a ultra sound between visit's 1-2, and all others were already done) I'm not letting him get away with this get your stress under control crap, as there will ALWAYS be stress in someone's life.

I'm ready, I've waited 15+ years (in total between three surgeons) and I'm not going to let him walk all over me.

On another note, Kara said I was 4/5 on the waiting list, so not sure why Dr Makik would say there isn't one???? Again it seems like the doctor and his assistant are on different wave lenghts
on 1/31/10 3:45 am - Canada
I'm glad it went better, too.  Man, was I nervous. 

I think he is correct though, about other doctors putting people on a "wait list" as soon as they walk in the door, without any of the tests or anything being done.  I would be very discouraged if I heard 2-5 years wait on my first or second appointment!  I think his "wait list" truly reflects people who are ready and able to go ahead as soon as possible. 

However, I would not appreciate his wishy washyness either if I were you!  If I see him in August and he puts another hurdle in my way then I will definitely call him on it.  To date, I have done everything he has asked, and I'm now working on the weight loss.  So if I manage to lose the 30 pounds by August, I will expect good news from him!

You go girl!

Laurie D.
on 2/1/10 7:05 am - Victoria BC, Canada
thrilled to hear things went well. I've seen Dr Malik about 3 times now. He's a nice man, very busy and very professional it seems. Good luck and continued sucess.

start - 262lbs - current - 220lbs -
current inches lost (overall) 60 and Feeling great!
goal = 160lbs 

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