OOC Surgery Approved

on 11/20/09 6:40 am - Burnaby, Canada
I'm so excited I can just pee myself..............I got an approval via email today for Seattle surgery, letter to follow.

So don't give up there is hope, if they reject, appeal.

Take Care

on 11/20/09 11:51 am - Maple Ridge, Canada

Congrats! i know mine came in within 2 wks and felt the same way. I'm hoping for January date should know more in couple of weeks

on 11/20/09 7:59 pm - Burnaby, Canada
Congrats to you too.............mine will be in March........  First appt will be Dec 7th....

I received an email today from BC Medical saying i was approved......and the speciallist phoned me.......and the hospital in Seattle phoned me...........lol  Coudln't believe how fast everything happened........

Still nothing on paper.......

Take Care

on 11/20/09 1:37 pm - P.G., Canada

May I ask who filled out your papers for you(which doctor) Do you have other heath issues related to your weight? Just wondering if I should try for OOC. By the Way Congratulations and best wishes.

on 11/20/09 8:03 pm - Burnaby, Canada

Hi Finding,

Dr. Meneghetti in Vancouver did mine, but I was the last patient he was going to do.  He stopped doing the applications...........so I have no clue who could do it for you......don't know why any doctor can't tho.

My bmi is 44 and they didn't like that........they like it to be 50, why they rejected me.  But with my other comorbities they put me thru after i appealed, diabetes, high blood pressure, a couple leg issues.  My diabetes and blood pressure are getting worse..........so maybe that's why........dunno.

They don't give you details like that......
Take Care

on 11/20/09 3:25 pm, edited 11/20/09 3:31 pm - Smalltown, Canada
 Wow!!! This is fantastic news!  Can I ask what your comorbidities were? I'm *just* getting my feet wet, and figuring this all out. How long did it take? Is your story somewhere you can link here, instead of me rambling on with questions?!? How long do you think it will be until your  surgery, and when did you start all your proceedings? Thanks in advance, and a HUGE congratulations!!!

PS: If anyone else here was approved, could you quickly share your comorbidities and time line? If this is an unrealistic question (lol) just let me know, I'll go searching!
on 11/20/09 8:14 pm - Burnaby, Canada
Hi Stephanie,

Ask away, why we are here.......

I first applied  beginning of October.....got rejected  October 22.  Appeal sent off  October 28th and got accepted November 19th.

First appt in Seattle on Dec 7th and will be a few appts after that down there,  they are booking into March now,  the surgeon does one bariatric operation a week so isn't immediate, she does alot of other bariatric operations also, cancer etc....  Sounds like I have to be assessed at their end also to see about the surgery, hopefully they are able to do it.

They like your BMI to be 50 or over.........if you are under that then there has to be comorbidites.....
blood pressure, diabetes and other things.........i have alot of leg issues,  and my weight affects them. My bmi is 44.  I don't know what the standards are, I imagine everyone is assessed differently. I'm also 56 so think that might of had a bearing also, time isn't on my side.

Hope this helps and thanks........any more questions let me know...

Take care and good luck Steph.
Take Care

on 11/21/09 6:31 pm - Kamloops, Canada
Congratulations!!!!!!  Hope that things go well for you.
on 11/21/09 7:17 pm - Burnaby, Canada
On November 22, 2009 at 2:31 AM Pacific Time, thinmamma wrote:
Congratulations!!!!!!  Hope that things go well for you.
Ty Thinmamma.
Take Care

on 11/21/09 11:10 pm - North Vancouver, Canada

Congratulations on your out of country surgery being approved.

Great news

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