Dexerine for weightloss

on 9/14/09 4:32 pm - Kelowna, Canada
Hello all,
Today I was prescribed Dexedrine spansule BID by my Dr. to use for weight-loss. I am a little apprehensive but excited to see the benefits from this medication. I am 30 and have been diagnosed with severe OSA in the last 6 months and am presently using CPAP with some effect (still scoring 16 on Epworth Scale, it was 22). I too have tried diet, exercise but have been unable to loss weight or keep it off for any amount of time and this has gotten a lot worse as I am very tired during the day due to Sleep Apnea that is partially controlled. I have always been a large person, about 3 years ago I was down to 250lbs just in time to start school for a major career change and my weight has been increasing since and I am now up to 315lbs. I am 6'1" tall and this makes my BMI roughly 41.5. , I am starting to seriously consider Bariatric Surgery if this doesn't work, although I really have no idea where to start. My Dr. has recommended this course of action but is going to stick with me through this and if it does come down to surgery he recommends the Lap Band as he has seen many positive results at his previous practice in the States. I am looking for information about the Lap Band which I understand is not covered by MSP, (I hope this changes soon) and I am wondering if anyone else has tried Dexedrine and how did it work for you? Side effects? Etc.
on 9/28/09 3:20 pm - Canada

While you are making your decision, you might want to really seriously get a referral for surgery.  This is one case where getting all the information first then asking for the referral will slow you down.  Wait lists are long and the faster you get on one, the faster you will get service.  Yes, I see that you are investigating the lap band.  Again, still get a referral and follow through as you can always say no later. 

As for dexadrine, I thought that was a drug for ADD.  I do know that it has an appetite suppressive effect.  It may also effect your sleep pattern, heart rate, and other basic bodily functions.  Worth some more research, I say. 

    Ruby Trout 


on 10/1/09 3:04 am - langley, BC
Hi there.  I can only tell you my experience with dexedrine.  I also have OSA and have been overweight for over 10 years now and nothing seems to work.  Although I have fought weight all my life it really started piliing on about in the past 10-12 years.  I feel like I have tried everything on the market and every diet that has ever been created.  Some years ago I took fen-phen and that really worked for me except I was also on a huge dose of thyroid medication.  I tried it again before it was taken off the shelves and it did nothing at all.  I guess my body is just so used to these kind of thiings.  I whined and moaned to my psychiatrist about my lack of energy from the sleep apnea and hypothyroid until he prescribed ritalin for me.....nothing.....he then prescribed me dexidrine, which I kept having increased because it did nothing for me in the weight loss area.  I am still on dexedrine and I think the only benefit it has for me is that it does give me a little more energy, but I still have to force myself to get up and go.  I don't really seem to have any side effects other than maybe grinding my teeth or fidgeting with my fingers if I am sitting.  As far as weight loss.....nothing, I have actually gained weight. (I can't remember as I have been on it for quite some time now, but I may have initially lost about 5 lbs)  Now, please remember, this is only my experience and I have a high tolerance to amphetamine-like drugs.  It has not affected my heart rate or blood pressure, nor has it interfered with my sleep.  I now have an appt with Dr. Rusnik on Vanc. Is. for bariatric surgery.  I am also aware of the lap band being done at False Creek Surgical Centre, but the cost is exorbitant...I would be there in a blink if I could afford it.  I went to the seminar that Northwest Weight Loss Clinic holds up here and it was very informative, but "OUCH" in the pocketbook and of course much less drastic than bariatric surgery plus a much shorter wait time.  I am sure medical will one day cover this surgery, but that will be too far away for me.  I guess I am saying that dexedrine can have quite profound effects on some folks.  I would say if caffeine affects you, then you will probably find yourself jittery on dexedrine and possibly find your heart beat a little faster.  I am on 10 mg caps twice a day, but to be honest I take them both at the same time.  I was on a much higher dosage at one time but cut back on meds so I could try Meridia (also a bust).  I don't know if this has been helpful at all, but I guess my main message is that I have never found any medications that took the weight off and then I kept it off, it always piled back on or my body got so used to the medications they no longer had any effect.  If you can afford it, I would look at the lap band method for a lifetime weight loss.
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