Can someone please help me (not to bother you)

on 9/14/09 2:11 am - vancouver, Canada
I am 21 years old. I am 5 foot 8 and 261 pounds (just since January i gained 50 pounds) It's so scary, I checked my BMI and it was 39.1 i believe. I read up on lap band and gastric bypass surgery or something along those lines. Im very interested... What are the prices for these procedures? Is there financing or anything like that? .... I pray... & where do you get this done? Can it be done in vancouver, b.c. Please let me know... THank you so much

on 9/14/09 4:04 am - North Vancouver, Canada


There are many support groups around that you can get lots of great information on gastric bypass, sleeve, and lapband surgeries as well as support through this.

I believe there is a surgeon doing lapbands in Surrey but not positive of this, I think the average cost for lapband surgery is around $16k cdn.  Sleeve and gastric bypass surgery is covered by MSP, bariatric surgeons I know of are Dr. Bradley Amson, Dr. Tang both in the same building in Victoria, and Dr. Malik in Victoria who has replaced Dr. Rusnak who did my surgery in February 2009 I had gastric bypass.  Dr. Amson has a website to look at
There are two other websites that are local in Victoria and    both are great for information on weight loss surgery, and support from preops and post ops. also advises where the support groups are which is a great way to get information as well.

Also there is a book out called Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies which has everything from A to Z to be covered, you can buy it through Amazon the blazeonline website or order from a bookstore.

There is a support meeting tomorrow night at Lions Gate Hospital, Seminar Room C, down a corridor from the gift shop  7:00 pm there are other support groups as well which will be listed on the blazeonline website.

You will need a referral from your gp so see a bariatric surgeon (weight loss surgeon)

This surgery is not being done in Vancouver at this time but there is a surgeon in Vancouver that can sign for out of country forms for MSP but not sure the BMI you have to be at but I think you have to have co-morbidities to be considered.

There also is self pay option, where some go to Mexico and get this done which is cheaper than here, one of the websites is and I know there are more out there are as well.

Take care


on 9/14/09 4:25 am - vancouver, Canada
Thank you so very much, For your time and help. Its very much appreciated.
Although if you do have time to answer morre question i'd be greatful.
What is MSP... and how do i know if i could be covered? I dont have nearly 16,000...
Im on a very low income unfortunately... but i am scared my weight is going to keep going up.
on 9/14/09 8:11 am - Canada

Actually we are starting Lap Band surgery Sept 23rd here in Vancouver in our clinic.  I also attend the North Vancouver support group, and encourage you to go as they are very helpful having gone through the procedure already. I may not be there this next meeting but the group there are excellent for support.


on 9/14/09 8:52 am - North Vancouver, Canada

Medical Services Plan - BC Medical to answer your question.

If you are on BC Medical Services Plan which basically is your care card then gastric bypass and the sleeve are covered but lapband surgery is not covered.

I would really encourage you to go to a weight loss support meeting meeting if not the one tomorrow night at Lions Gate Hospital at 7 pm then look on for support groups.   You can get your questions answered there.

I only wished I'd had the surgery sooner, I am 7 months out and was 380 at time of surgery and I am now 285, with aways to go but I am on medication (Progesterone for heavy female bleeding) that slows down my weight loss but I will be coming off this this week, and getting an IUD which will help me to get the weight off faster hopefully as I need a hysterectomy.

I hear you with your weight going up I went through this as well, and wished I had had this done sooner.

What any bariatric surgeon will want to see is a commitment to exercise, aquasize or swimming so no weight on the joints and easier to do, and an eating journal any small changes you can make now will help you down the road.  I was a big pop drinker probably 6 cans a day and now I only drink crystal light which counts as water.

Suzanne - North Vancouver

on 9/14/09 5:11 pm - Canada
There is a doctor that will perform the lap band surgery in Surrey. His name is Doctor Leung. His fee is $13,000. As mentioned currently there is no coverage for this operation. However at the time of my inital inquiry I believe they provided a pamplet on financing through a outside company which I am sure you could ask if you call them. I am 5 foot 8 and 262 pounds. My operation is scheduled for Oct 16th.  

Depending on how desperate I was I may have considered going to Mexico as many have had a successful experience and it is quite a *****eaper. Continue to do your research as you will be able to find out more information on the exact direction and procedure you want to go with.  I trust my doctor and her advice was very important to me and you could start there. You will find many have their opinions on what weightloss surgeons are best and worst however ultimately you have to do what is right with you and your cir****tances for example or location and funds etc. I wish you the best and hang in there and try and get all the information first whether it be through websites and or support groups.
on 9/14/09 5:13 pm - Canada
There is also Dr Woodhead in Vancouver as well. However I believe his fee $16,000
on 9/15/09 11:14 am - Surrey, Canada
I beleive Dr Leung in Surrey retired! Thank goodness he was a butcher!!!! (And all round jerk)
I'm in Surrey, if you'd like to chat.

Have you been to the doctors to see if there's something medically why you gained the 50lbs like that? For example a thyroid problem?
on 9/15/09 11:45 am - Canada
Dr Leung is not retired. I saw him last month.  I believe the question was, what is the name of surgeons who would perform  lapband surgery in the lower mainland and to my knowledge its Woodhead & Lueng.

More & more clinics are thankfully getting on board and that will enable us to have better and more options. Who knows maybe one day the Lapband will be covered through BC Medical, wouldn't that be wonderful!
on 9/27/09 4:19 am - Surrey, Canada
Your right, my bad. I just spoke to a friend last week who seen Dr Leung.
I had been told he had retired, and was very happy to hear that, as he's a horrible horrible doctor.

This is not just my opinion, but of many people who have seen him.

One of the ladies at my support group had her lapband done by him years ago and he wrapped it around her LIVER! It also went septic!!!!!!

He also screwed up my gallbladder surgery a few years ago, and refused to be accountable for it.
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