First Consult-waited 1.5yrs-Now how do I speed it up?

on 7/31/09 10:20 pm - kelowna, Canada
I'm 50 next month, female, mother of 5 boys, worked full time, very active but limited as I suffer from Osteo-arthitis in my knees and back.
I have had  femoral hernia operations in the past year and half on my left side, and the bad knee is on my right. The knee has been operated on and I will need a new one in approx one yr.
Im border line diabetic.
Have tried for years to loose.
My son was diaganosed with cancer at the age of 2yrs 1985 during that time, I cold turkey quit smoking and hit the vending machines. Not wanting to leave his side, I took my meals from a machine and of course craved my cigarrettes. During the 2 yrs of his illness I packed on approx 70-80pounds. The only exercise I was getting was walking the halls with my son and his IV pole.
He past away 1989, I had my tubes untied and had 2 more children almost immediatley.
Ive tried it all.....Jenny Craig, Weigh****chers, Bernstiens, fasting, low carb's...etc etc...
I have maintained my weight last 3-5yrs.....but just cant loose it.
Im fairly active at my job....I cant use the equipment anymore at the femoral area has some nerve damage now. Water arobics help...but not enough.
I not a heavy eater....If I have a craving for junk...I will have a bite and leave the rest. I dont eat out at the fast food restaurants and when I do...I try to stick to low calorie salads.
I do love a good meal out though...nice steak and potato, with my glass of wine...that is our treat once twice per month.
Im having my sugars tested, pulmonary function done, and sleep apena test done this month
My appointment is with Amson in Sept.
Anyone know any short cuts in order to have the surgery faster?
on 7/31/09 11:00 pm, edited 7/31/09 11:01 pm - North Vancouver, Canada

Hello there

Sounds like you have been through so much in life and wanted to tell you I'm very sorry for what you have gone through.  Most of us have tried every diet known to man, and nothing has worked.

I would strong get the book Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies, you may have to order from the bookstore, or you could go on the weight loss surgery support website and there is a place on there where you can order online through Amazon.  As well another great website is

There are three surgeons in Victoria that due bariatric surgery, Dr. Tang, Dr. Amson, and Dr. Malik (replacement for Dr. Rusnak *****tired last Wednesday), Dr. Malik's waitlist is probably less than the other two doctors.

Lapband surgery is not covered by BC Medical but the other surgeries are.

You have to be a certain BMI (body mass index) to be considered for out of country surgery, and have co-morbidities, such as sleep apnea, diabetes, high blood pressure etc.  The procedure is that you would have to a bariatric surgeon fill out the forms so that you would be considered for out of country surgery, most have it done in the US, you should send a personal letter with this form.  The surgeon I have heard of in Vancouver that will fill out these forms is Dr. Meneghetti,works out of Vancouver General Hospital  he will charge you for doing this paperwork I heard while back it was $200.  The form is on MSP website or you can phone them and ask them to send you one.

Most of the surgeons will tell you long term you need to do some form of exercise to lose the weight long term and keep it off,  even if its just in the pool to take the pressure of your joints.

Also if you can get to a weight loss surgery support group in your area that would be great as well as tons of information there, and support and encouragement.  You certainly are not alone in this and there are others to support you through this.  On there is also a list of support groups on there website.

I think said you were from Kelowna the info for that support group is

meets every 2nd Sat of month  12-2 Kelowna Hospital
contact Vicki   at [email protected]

I hope this has helped,

on 8/6/09 12:49 pm - Surrey, Canada
Sorry to tell you, I've been on Dr A's waiting list for THREE years and my next appointment was set for a YEAR later!!!
I've been on Dr R's waiting list for a year and was suppose to have surgery in Sep/Aug but all surgeries have been cancelled and at lease not until next year.

I almost died last year from blood clots in my lungs, have diabeties, high blood pressue, tachycardia, high cholestrol etc.....hasn't gotten me anywhere any faster except the ER room:(

on 8/6/09 6:26 pm - Canada
Have you tried Dr Leung in Vancouver? I was assured that the waiting list is not that long. However I am still waiting on results of pre-op tests. Once I have my first inital appt I will know better.
on 8/7/09 5:10 pm - Surrey, Canada
Dr Leung is in Surrey and he's a bloody butcher!!! He screwed up my simple gall bladder surgery!!!
I was chatting with one of the ladies at the New West support group and he messed up her lapband too!

She also told me he's retired now! Thank goodness!
on 8/12/09 3:26 pm - Canada
Did you lose your date with Dr. Malik?  Or was it reinstated?  Just curious...

    Ruby Trout 


on 8/9/09 1:20 pm
Hi Penny,

I was on Dr. A's waitlist for 3 years, before my first appointment.  At that appointment, he told me he would do surgery.  I was given a list of 3 books to read, and an appointment for 6 months out.  Once a month, I must weigh in with my family doctor (most of the appointments are about 6-7 weeks apart, due to my GP's waitlist).

I read an aritcle published in the National Post.  In Canada, the wait time for WLS could be up to 6 years.  If you are interested in going to Washington state, there is an excellent weight loss surgeon, with a pre and post op office in Bellingham.  Surgery is done near Seattle.  Excellent facilities.  They hold informational meetings at Langley Hospital, every other month.  When I attended their info meeting, there were around 25 people. 

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