New West Support Group Growing
What a great meeting last night. It was wonderful to have some new faces join us and some familiar faces from this and other forums.
We continue to meet once a month at the Starbucks in New West at McBride & 8th. The meeting is not a set "Thursday" however is generally on a Thursday night. I know many people have felt this is not the best place to meet however I am confident that it has not been a detriment to anyone who has attended.
I think one of the most positive aspects of meeting at this location is that it keeps our format what we want it to be...more of a getting together for coffee with friends than a formal, highly structured environment. Everyone in attendance has been open, honest, respectful, sharing and kind with their experiences.
Thank you so much for coming last night Erin. I must say I was a bit intimidated at first as I know you have been a very strong leader in the WLS community for a long time. You are brilliant, inspiring, candid, and helpful. Thank you for coming...please come again.
To our other new attendees...thank you for coming and being willing to share your experiences and where you are in the WLS journey.
I want to also remind everyone that BCABA is a very worthwhile group and Erin is the President. The address for the group has changed, it is now 3629 Princess Ave., North Vancouver, V7N 2E4.
I welcome anyone who would like to attend our meetings to join us again next month on July 30, 2009 at Starbucks. We start at around 700PM. Bring your smile, your willingness to hear about other peoples experiences and I am sure you will fit right in.
To those of you who have attended in the past and were unable to attend last night...I missed you as did others who have been blessed by your attendance in the past. We miss you and hope you are well.
See you all next month.
If you want to be added to my mail list please email me at the address below.
[email protected]
(oh, and last meeting we even got to hear from someone who has already had plastics ! Thanks Erin)
We are non-formal, friendly and fun ! But, at the same time, respectful, and everyone gets a chance to share and ask questions. Please come out and join us for an evening of chat and "coffee."
If anyone needs a ride from Maple Ridge, e-mail NWWLS@yahoo,ca and Barb will pass the message on to me.
Missed you guys that didn't make it - you know who you are ! See y'all July 30th !