
on 4/29/09 7:42 am - Sooke, Canada
Wow... what a friendly board!  It's my first day and already I've read some very supportive posts... so nice to see.  

I haven't seen a Dr yet... but I"ve gotten some good information about some in my area, thanks to this site.  Unfortunately, my family Dr retired in October and I've missplaced the name of the Dr that took over for him...  OOPS!  I"ll find a way to find him but in the mean time I've come to the conclusion that I need help with losing my weight.  I've tried them all... Jenny Craig, Weigh****chers, TOPS, Atkins, South Beach... starving, eating, pills... blah, blah, blah... I'm sure you've all heard it or tried it for yourselves. 

I've been snooping online for a bit and found this place today.  I'm hoping to get more information on this surgery.  From many of the testimonials I've read here, this might be the help I need. 

With that in mind and reading that it's sometimes a good idea to join a support group even before you see the Dr... do any of you know of a support group in Victoria?  I don't care where it is even though I reside in the Western Communities... I have a car.

Thank you  for any assistance and I look forward to learning more!
Laurie D.
on 4/29/09 8:38 am - Victoria BC, Canada

Hi Hope2b12,

Welcome! I've only been on the website since January, and have found it to be a great resourse.
I am scheduled for surgery in June (2nd), My doctor is retiring soon, Dr. Rusnak.

I went to my first support group meeting last night. I believe there is a support group in your area.
There are 2 other doctors in town Dr. Amson and Dr Tang. Lots of people at the support grp mtg I went to have Dr. Amson, about a 2 yr wait list.

here is some hopefully helpful information...................
also http://www.blazeonline.com/wls

Sooke Support Group meets every 3rd Monday of the month at 6767 Burr Rd, Sooke. 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. For further information, please call Nichole at 250-642-0652 or [email protected]

Victoria Lap Band Support Group meets the 4th Wed of every month from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm at the VGH hospital cafeteria RM 1815. For info, contact [email protected]

Victoria Surgical Weight Loss Support Group meets the first Saturday of every month from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon in Begbie Hall on the Royal Jubilee Hospital grounds (the hospital is at the corner of Fort and Richmond Streets).

A few tips:

* Begbie Hall is past old emergency entrance @ the Jubilee; turn into old emerg then quick right turn * Begbie Hall is a brick building (1006 Richmond Street) * It’s “pay parking"

For further information you can contact the group’s facilitators:

* Ruth Reynolds [email protected] 388 9089, Julie Quin [email protected] 385 2709, Jane Guy [email protected] 472 1746

Victoria - Westshore Support Group meets every 2 weeks on Tuesday (Starting in 2008 on Jan 8th) at the Victoria General Hospital in room 1814 (next to the cafeteria) from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. *Pay parking is required.

For further information you can contact the group’s facilitators: Dave 250-920-9709 email [email protected] or Shantel Dawn 250-857-5477 email is: [email protected]

take care..... Laur

on 4/30/09 2:27 am - Sooke, Canada
Thanks Laur!

After I posted, yesterday, I read several other threads and noticed another one with information regarding groups.  I did email the lady for the Begbie one but if there is one in Sooke, that much better!

Thank you for all the information... I'm looking forward to diving into it all and learning as much as possible. 

I hope your enjoying this beautiful sunny day!

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