Affordable Vitamins for Canadian RNY Patients!
I have jut found Not only are their vitamins the same price as but they give you 10% off every order over $99 (and more if you order more) AND free shipping to Canada AND they ship USPS so you only have to pay the taxes and customs charges - not the additional brokerage fee (that usually was $50 per shipment for me)
I have easily saved 50% by ordering through
I wanted to share because this is just so damned expensive - and considering the times - a $100 in my pocket is better than in someone else's!
No - I am not getting paid for this (I know - it sounds like a infomercial!!!!) am just so relieved to be able to find something that is affordable that I wanted to my Canadian Brothers and Sisters out!
Good Luck!

I had a pharmacist review the labelling of both bariatric vitamins from the US as well as the Centrum Silver. They for the most part are almost identical. Given teh centrum silver comes in a chewable (even in Canada) I have chose to continue with that. I also use a chewable Caltrate 600 +D. I usually buy them in the states at Wallmart. They are way cheaper there (about 1/2 the price).
I don't think that having the word Bariatric on it is going to make it better. you just have to make sure that whatever you choose has enough of what we need.
You may want to check with your dietician about Caltrate calcium. I think it is calcium carbonate, and we are supposed to take calcium citrate, with Vitamin D and magnesium. The dietician at Virginia Mason in Federal Way recommended Lifetime Liquid Calcium Magnesium Citrate. Each tablespoon has 600 mg elemental calcium citrate, 300 mg magnesium, & 400 IU Vitamin D. I buy my calcium at Super Supplements in the States, but I have also bought it at health food stores in Victoria.
Also besides having your blood calcium levels checked you will also need to have your PTH (Parathyroid) level checked. Your blood calcium level may be in the normal range, but if your PTH levels are high it means your body isn't getting enough calcium and is leeching calcium from your bones. Getting the right amount of calcium is extremely important. My Mom has osteoporosis and at 88 has had two spinal compression fractures in the past year and no longer stand up straight which utlimately affects her balance and makes her more suseptible to falls.
Also with respect to the multi vitamins, Shoppers Drugmart Life Brand Spectrum 50+ chewables are identical to the Centrum and half the price.
Sharon J
Open Exploratory - Jan. 29, 2008
Dr. Jeffrey Hunter, Virginia Mason, Seattle
SW 361
CW 241
Thanks for the info. It is interesting to me that I have such different information that you do about the calcium. Funny enough I showed the dietician at Virginia Mason in Seattle the print out of the calcium package and although she thought I should take more of it (I am now doing so) she felt it was fine. Actually they were the ones *****commended it at the onset.
I will do some investigating into this and let you know what I find.
I appreciate the info on the vitamins. i will probably keep going stateside to purchase them as it is only 30 minutes each direction for me and the family loves to go shopping across the line for a few of our favourite things.
It looks like you are doing really well with the weight loss.
I had my surgery in June and am down 120 pounds. I am thrilled. I get impatient at times but I am loving the journey and enjoying the ride.
Keep in touch
Hi Barb,
Let me know what you find out about the calcium. The one sure way to find out if Caltrate is the right one for you would be to have your PTH level checked.
You are also doing really well with your weight loss, it really is a great ride!!
I used to live in New Westminster 16 years ago, but then moved to the Island for work. If I couldn't live in Sidney any more, New West is definately a place I would consider.
Sharon J
Open Exploratory - Jan. 29, 2008
Dr. Jeffrey Hunter, Virginia Mason, Seattle
SW 361
CW 241