11 Months Post-Op... 191 Pounds Gone Forever... Ironman Here I Come

on 12/7/08 12:50 pm - Fort Worth, TX
I cannot believe I am almost a year post-op. It has been a crazy year! I literally went from weezing to get  up a flight of stairs at 400 pounds to being an addicted endurance athlete at 209 pounds today. Weird to type that... Athlete. However, that's what I am. I have heard from so many people who have never had a weight problem, or from others who have had WLS and they comment on my rapid weight loss and a typical response is..."Guys lose weight so much faster than women". While that may be true, I try to not let what others try to discount cloud the reality. In reality, I run 35-45 miles a week, I cycle 100 - 125 miles a week, and I swim about 6-8 miles a week, also, I do weight training, coach soccer, am a father, husband and sole bread winner for my family. The reality is, I have busted my tail to get to where I am at and would do it all over again in a heart beat! I have been given a new lease on life and I am gonna take it and run with it, literally! I am a very blessed man, and I am so thankful for all the good friends I have made here on OH, you all are the best! As I turn my thoughts to how I am going to spend my 11th month surgiversary (I will be running my first 26.2 mile marathon), I will be running to the finish line to embrace my family and friends who have loved and supported me, and will be holding my head high knowing that I have made the decision to change my life and run away from this terible disease of obesity forever. Then, my thoughts will be turned to the 6 Ironman events I am registered for in 2009.... 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile cycle, and 26.2 mile run... 17 Hours to complete..... I will be an Ironman!
Go to my website to track my training and progress... www.trimywill.com

Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/

on 12/8/08 11:55 am - Vernon , Canada
Yeaaaaaaa for you, you must be so very proud of yourself. Regardles of gender you have come along way.  Be happy and proud of your achievement and who cares what the ney sayers have to say. You look awesome, good luck with your marathons.
on 12/14/08 4:38 am - Surrey, Canada
That is amazing! Thank you so much for sharing!
on 12/16/08 9:54 am - Canada
Way to go Iron man !!
just out of curiosity, have you moved from Texas to BC ?
on 1/20/09 5:59 am - Mexico
 Great Job!!! I'm also an addicted athlete!! =) and well I love it I'm doing Ironman AZ 09!!! Congratulations!!
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