Dr Rusnak

Lisa M.
on 8/22/08 1:01 pm - Surrey BC, Canada
I have my first consultation booked with him this November and am looking for some more information....I hear he is one of the original WLS surgeons in BC, but I can't seem to find too much info!
Anyone else have/had appointments/surgery with him?
(deactivated member)
on 8/23/08 12:12 am - langley, Canada
He's a nice gentle guy, but when you see him make sure you tell him you have been very pro-active about all this. He looks for that.
Sim W.
on 8/23/08 6:19 am - Vancouver, Canada
Hi there,

Sorry I don't know him but I heard of him from a lot of people. If you do a seach on his name on Dr. Amson's website at victoriabariatricsurgery.com you will get a lot of hits and they are all positive. I am excited for you and hope things go well. Please keep us posted

Take care, Sim

RNY June 26, 2007 Seattle, WA- Dr. Hunter-Virginia Mason Hospital,
HW 323 lbs; SW 313 lbs; CW 168 lbs, GW around 150 lbs

Lisa M.
on 8/23/08 7:23 am - Surrey BC, Canada
Thanks!  I had originally heard about him from trkdrivin on the victoria baratrics forum but I didn't think to do a search on the forum itself.  That helped :)
on 8/24/08 6:13 am - North Vancouver, Canada
I have my first appointment with him in November as well.  Was able to get in to see him faster than the others.  Apparently I had heard Dr. R was going to retire and then changed his mind so of course his wait list is going to be less.   I currently have my OOC form in and I am still waiting whether I will be approved.  I am hoping so.  Will post as soon as I have heard.

on 8/24/08 11:49 pm - Okotoks, Canada
HI Sim.  Looks as though you went to the states for your RNY too.  I am going to Arizona in Oct for mine.  Have you had any problems since your s and what do you do about follow-up?  Thanks Eydie
342/298/280175  highest / surgery  wtNov 19/08/ current/ goal
Sim W.
on 8/25/08 2:50 pm - Vancouver, Canada
Dear Eydie,

I went to Seattle for the first 6 months for follow ups as it is only a few hours away from Vancouver, BC Canada so I drove downa nd made a day trip of the visits. But now I just see my doctor for blood work, and whatever else is needed and send Dr. Hunter my results.

I have not needed any thing else, thank god but if I did my own doctor would help me. My doctor has been very supportive and happy for me and he is so excited with my progress and has helped to educate the other doctors that he works with as to the WLS as it is a really new procedure over here and I am the first patient that has had the surgery as his patient.

Good luck with your upcoming surgery date. Please keep everyone posted

Take care, Sim

on 8/27/08 2:54 pm - Surrey, Canada
So it's only a three month wait to see him? Not bad at all! I wonder how long his waiting list is???
I waited 18 months to see Dr Cleator years ago, only to have them phone me and do a pre screening and then tell me I wasn't fat enough.

Then waited 18 months to see Dr Amson and was told as I was losing weight (had lost 17 lbs on Nutrisystem) to try it on my own.I waffled for about a year before I decied to go back and ask for the surgery.

I see Dr Amson again on Sept 3, this Wed. I'm wondering if I should still try to see Dr R though? Perhaps I may actually get the surgery faster??

oh and for the  (another member gave me this hint!) appointments on the Island, call and ask for a TAP form (travel assistance program) and once you have it, you DON'T pay for the ferry, or it's 30% if you fly over!!!!! BIG HELP! www.healthservices.gov.bc.ca/msp/mtapp/tap_patient.html

on 9/19/08 4:34 am - Vancouver , Canada
HI! I just saw him on the 17th of Sept/08. I booked the appointment in late July. I have to go back to Victoria for a couple of days in around 2 months to see a panel of Doctors. If they approve me. He said that the surgery would be early 2009. He informed up that lap banding was going to be around $15,000. When I got up off the floor...LOL. I asked what he recommended and he said the Bypass surgery. He seemed to feel that I wouldn't stick to the diet in the lapbanding.
I'm a little worried about the surgery and the aftermath. I'm a big guy with a big frame so I'm worried about what I will be able to eat. I'm 63 and live alone so I'm not sure that I could change my ways as much as may be needed.
I was wondering can the pouch be made bigger so you can eat a bit more.
All this would mean a majour lifestyle change and am not sure if I have it in me. I'm currently 310. Any help or advise would help a lot.
on 1/5/09 5:46 am - Canada
OK, so a question for who ever can answer this for me-  Im considering using dr.rusnak for my rny gastric bypass.  My family doctor sent him my referral.  So once i get my consultation is it a garrenty that Im accepted to get it done or how long after this appointment will they let me know. 
Any idea????
[email protected]

thanks shawnna
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