looking for lap band support group in ....
Hi Tara, Below are all the support groups available all around BC. You may want to get in touch with some of the contacts.
Good luck and congrats on your upcoming date. That's awesome.
Support Groups!
Aldergrove WLS Support Group meets the first Mondaya of each month at the Kinsmen Community Centre, 26770 - 29 Avenue, Aldergrove, BC, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Please contact Kelly at 604-857-9431 [email protected]; or Inga at 604-607-0004
Duncan - Somena Support Group Somena WLS Support Group Meeting . 2nd Tues of each month, 7 to 8 pm, Little Big House , for more info please contact :Gloria McDonald -250-701-8213 ...e-mail [email protected]. Our new location is wheelchair friendly, with no steps - There is much parking out front of the building and to either side. Please join us. The "Little Big House" is located on River Rd (behind the mound & native gym). Access off Allenby Rd (by Bingo hall & Cowichan Tribes buildings) OR from the intersection directly across from Canada Ave (where Trunk Rd turns into Government St)
Duncan Weight Loss Surgery Support Group Duncan WLS Support Group Meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month, 6:30 pm, at the Sands Reception Centre, 187 Trunk Road. Parking is available beside the main building (access off Trunk) AND/OR on Ypres St. A map link is below. There are some stairs, but if you park beside the main building you can walk along the front of the reception building and will have less stairs to climb. Our meetings are worth the workout! Even though the facility is free to use we do ask for a $1 donation to be made - funds will be put towards our Annual Duncan WLS Summer BBQ and printing fees for the contact lists. For more information contact Lara Stuart (cell) 250.710.4115 or (home) 250.746.7379. Email: [email protected]
Map Link
Kamloops Support Group meets on the 3rd Saturday of each month, at 5:30 pm, at the Verse Restaurant (Petro Can on WTC HWY). Everyone is welcome. The group email is [email protected] and the contact person is Jenn her email is [email protected]
Kelowna Bariatric Support Group We are back at Rose Ave. Meeting Room at Kelowna Hospital on the second Saturday of every month. 12 noon until 2 pm. Unstructured meetings offering support and sharing of information. If you need information or directions, contact Vicki at: [email protected]
Kitimat Support Group Meets once a month at the Kitimat General Hospital in the multi-purpose room the 3rd Sunday of each month at 7pm. Folks can contact me at 250-632-2646 or 250-632-3990 or e-mail me at [email protected]
Kootenay Weight Loss Support Group will start meeting in 2006 on the second Saturday of each month from 2:00 to 4:00 pm in the Committee Room of the Trail Hospital. Contact Betty at 250 483-4206 or 250 231-7978 (cell) for more information. Or email her at [email protected]. The group will have its own website: http://www.geocities.com/kootenay_wls_group
Langley Support Group - Lower Mainland Weight Loss Support Group First Saturday of each month, 11:00-12:30, Langley Memorial Hospital, conference room #3. Contact Erin Madsen [email protected]
Mission Weight Loss Support Group meets the second Saturday of each month at the Mission Memorial Hospital in Conference Room #3 from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. First meeting is June 12, 2004. Contact Richard Vitkay at 604 820-1964 or by email.
Nanaimo Obesity Support Group meets the third Wednesday of each month at the NRGH in Room G235 from 7-9:00 pm. The group chairs Shari Lychak 729-4183 ([email protected]) and Leeann Berkopec 753-7038 ([email protected])
Nanaimo Pro-Active Support Group meets for walks, swimming, aquacise, gym, chatting and even shopping! There is currently no set schedule for any of these activities, but EVERYONE at every fitness level is welcome to join us. If you are uncomfortable with group situations I would be happy to meet with you, one-on-one, as well. Please contact Shari Lychak for more information about current activities or to suggest some new ones. 250-729-4183 [email protected] .Alternate contact is: Leeann Berkopec - [email protected] - 753-7038
Northern BC WLS Support Group meets in Prince George. Contact Becky for more details.
North Island WLS Support Group meets the last Monday of the month from 6:30 to 8 pm in the Comox Valley Family Services building at 1415 Cliffe Avenue. That is right on the corner of 14th and Cliffe opposite PJ's Crafts, Comox. Contact Diana Johnson 703-0873. Spouses or family members welcome to attend.
North Vancouver Support Group meets the third Tuesday of each month from 7:00 until 8:30 at Lions Gate Hospital in Seminar C meeting room. Contact Erin at [email protected] for information.
Port Alberni WLS Support Group - The Port Alberni Support Group- We don't have official dates/times set for meetings, because of the lack of interest of people. If you ARE however interested in meeting with Amanda, BeckyB or Leah, please contact Amanda at 724-5329 ONLY if you are serious about the meeting. Please be considerate and notify Amanda if you say you are coming, and can't make it. This helps by giving us a chance to change the date and saves us from wondering where everybody is! Thank you!
Power River Weight Loss Support Group meets every 3rd Monday at 7:00 pm at 3621 Manitoba Ave (off Quesnel by Grief Point School). For further information, please contact Michelle at 604-485-5705. Click here for a map.
Victoria Surgical Weight Loss Support Group meets the first Saturday of every month from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon in Begbie Hall on the Royal Jubilee Hospital grounds (the hospital is at the corner of Fort and Richmond Streets).
A few tips:
* Begbie Hall is past old emergency entrance @ the Jubilee; turn into old emerg then quick right turn * Begbie Hall is a brick building (1006 Richmond Street) * It's "pay parking"
For further information you can contact the group's facilitators:
* Maureen Duffy-Burrows (598-8029) [email protected]; * Diana Sarkany (391-0109) [email protected]; * Ruth Reynolds (388-9089) [email protected]
Hi Tara,
Why don't you post on Dr. Amson's forum. There are over 600 people who are members there and someone should be able to help you.
Sorry I live in Vancouver so I can't help you with this part but get the word out there and you can always start a support group once you hook up with others who live where you are.
Good luck and happy holidays
Hi Tara,
Vicky E. responded to the question on Dr. Amson's forum as I posted it for you.
Here it is:
Sorry If I didn't respond to the question
I haven't been on the site much lately as have been super busy with extra foster babies
To my knowledge there isn't any lapband support group in the valley.
We do have monthly meetings on the second of each month for WLS patients.
Its fom 12-2 but that might be changing and the location my change also
Vicki E
Take care, Sim