2 month update

Sim W.
on 8/24/07 2:55 pm - Vancouver, Canada
Hi everyone, Well I can't believe that it is exactly 2 months ago tomorrow that I had my surgery and I am down 48 pounds. I went to Swiss Chalet with my family for dinner and I ordered the chicken breast and was able to eat about half of it, yeh!. It was nice to get out for a while and be around others socially as I have been home most of the time. I think I am able to eat a little meat now and then but I find that everyday is different and challenging to eat enough protein and get in my water. I often go back to my liquids and purees especially soup, shakes and tea to soothe my pouch when it is finicky. I am still tired and will be getting blood work done next month. I have an appt with my family doctor this coming Thursday to discuss my newly diagnosed arthritis in my left knee and to also obtain a referral to an orthopedic surgeon. I measured myself today, here are my numbers. Most of my weight has come off my face and upper torso at this time. Neck was 18" now is 16.5 Waist was 49" now it is 45.5 Chest was 53" now is 47.5 Hip was 63" now 56" Leg 32" now is 30.5 Arm was 17.5 now is 16 Knees were 21" now is 20" I just wanted to share this with you. I still have about 100 pounds to go but it is a good start. Take care Sim --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead HW: 323 lbs; SW: 307 lbs CW: 259 lbs; GW: 150 June 26, 07- RNY, Seattle, WA Surgeon: Dr. J. Hunter
on 8/28/07 6:02 am - Victoria, Canada
Hey Sim How tall are you? We started out at about the same weight, though I haven't done measurements (didnt think of it until it until I had already lost 90lbs) Holly
Sim W.
on 8/28/07 6:22 am - Vancouver, Canada
Hi Holly, I am only 5 foot 2 inches tall. Cheers, Sim
on 8/28/07 9:22 am - Victoria, Canada
I am 6' tall. My goal weight will be different than yours, I guess. I am aiming for 180ish. Though the last amount of weight is really hard to get off.
Sim W.
on 8/28/07 1:20 pm - Vancouver, Canada
Hi Holly, Wow you are tall compared to me. Yes, so you can weigh more than me that's for sure. I remember the last time I was at the goal weight I want to be at now I felt great and full of energy and I looked fantastic too. I don't want to be a size 2 or 3 like some people. I want to be a healthy weight and have some meat on my bones if you know what I mean? So I am aiming for that range and not looking at what the charts say for my height. Cheers, Sim
on 8/29/07 12:47 am - Victoria, Canada
I do know what you mean, I never went into this for beauty reasons, I just wanted to take the weight off so that I could use my knees better. It has been unfortunate that I hurt my knee as soon as I started using it and now am told that there is nothing that can be done for it. It is depressing to think that I did all this and am not able to move any better than before. :^( I have always been on the heavy side, though I was not obese until 1994 when I got sick and gained 100 lbs. Prior to getting sick I was 180 and feeling pretty good about moving despite arthritis and previous car accidents. Gaining the weight took my knees from not so good to really bad and it seems that there is no coming back from it. Such a drag. I used to recharge my 'batteries' by walking in the woods. I haven't been able to do that for some time now and my mental health is sure feeling the loss. I just don't trust my knees. I got these shots in them and have been doing some walking and am hopeful that in time I will be able to do what I would love to do, go and walk down the beach. To me, that is far more the point of this surgery than a size 2-3
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