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on 8/13/07 2:58 am - Canada
Hi Everyone I just spoke to the women who sent the reject letter. She was very nice and understanding. They are also frustrated with Vancouver Coastal Health. They have extended my time for more information. She said there are wrost cases than me. If I had a life threating problem that would help. Slow death is not life threating LOL. They really look at a BMI of 50 or more. I am 47.5 that is only a few pounds away from 50. She said they can overlook the 47.5 if I have other factors. I now have to see Dr Meneghetti and he has to to try and get me to see Dr Amson and possible his emergancy list. Easier said than done. I have to get a referral from my GP to borrow a C Pac from Clinical sleep Soloutions. If that shows some sleep apnea that will help. I called Dr Amsons office today and there is only a year and a half wait list just to see him. Well by then I won`t be able to walk because of my knees and my BMI will most likely be over 50. Oh well what can you do. I will keep you updated Sharon
on 9/18/07 8:06 am - Canada
Hi Sharon, I don't understand.....You are unable to get the surgery because your bmi is only 47.5? Is that right? Excuse the lack of knowledge here, I am new to this site and am looking to get surgery myself. I have a consultation with dr. Amson next year in April. Then it could be another two years before I actually get the surgery from what I understand. But am I understanding you correctly that I could go to my consultation in April and he can refuse me? Wow!!! that scares me a little. Are you from the States or Canada? April
on 9/18/07 2:27 pm - Canada
Hi April You also call any time. I do not work Sharon
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