Clients who have had lap band for over 10 years

on 8/8/07 3:41 am - Victoria, Canada
VSG on 08/23/07 with
Hi, I am interested to find out information from people who had had the lap band for 10 or more years. As well to find out any links to research about lap band surgeries that were done some time ago. I know on You Tube there is a video by Dr. Rutledge regarding negative issues about the lap band. Although he is a Las Vegas surgeon, so not sure if this video is a promotion for gastric bypass as that is what he deal with. Appreciate any response as I am still trying to weigh the pros and cons about this surgery. Maria Mahoa.....
on 8/19/07 8:27 am - Delta, Canada
HI Maria The doctor who did my lap band said that this surgery was only approved about 11 years ago in the states. He has patients still doing well with no complications who were operated back then. I do know someone who had to have her lap band removed after a few years and took a year to heal and has just recently had another one put on. Not sure what her complication was but it wasn't enough for either her or her doc to say she shouldn't have another one. I know they are FDA approved, not sure about the other bands out there. I had mine put on June 29th and just had my first fill yesterday. I feel great and am losing wieght slowly but am thinking it might speed up now. I have lost 15lbs in a month and a half have about 70 more to go. Hope you find the info you are looking for. My doc did tell me they were doing this surgery in europe long before they did in the states hope that helps.
(deactivated member)
on 8/20/07 11:37 am - Brampton, Canada
Hi Gale, If you are interested in info on people banded more than 10 yrs. I suggest going to the Australia forum where they have had banding that long. You also need to take into consideration that over the years the manufacturers of lap bands have come out with newer improved bands resulting in less complications and better restriction. From what I gather Dr. Rutledge is the televangelist of weight loss surgery doctors. When I checked out his website all he seems to promote is slandering lapbands in favour of the mini gastric bypass procedure he does. I always figure that if your product is so good you don't need to tear apart another type of weight loss surgery. There is pros and minuses with every type of weight loss surgery there is no perfect one as Dr. Rutledge would have you believe. Also most of his so called facts are distorted and not backed up with facts. Me think he protests too much! Best wishes, Donna Lapband/06 Revised From VBG/87 Banded by Dr. Chris Cobourn at The Surgical Weight Loss Centre 251/141/125 goal
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