update on me

Sim W.
on 7/28/07 3:09 am - Vancouver, Canada
Hi everyone, I think I am on my way to a healthier me. I was sick at the beginning of the week with a high fever and then 2 days later I got a sore throat (the sore throat turned out to be cancer sores in my throat) I have been taking liquid Tylenol and that has been helping. I also have been experiencing pain in one of my incision areas, probably just muscle pain so I have been laying low this week. Prior to the WLS I developed an ear infection from swimming so I had to take antibiotics that cleared the infection inside but have left me with 2 very red and itchy ears. I am using hydrocortisone cream for the outside part of my ears and then drops called burosol to draw out any moisture or water in my ears. AH CARUMBA!!! What more could I get? This has been one hell of a month. Anyway, here is some good news. I was able to eat red meat last night. My husband cooked a T-bone for himself and he gave a small piece which I cut up and chewed very well...drum roll please.......no problems. Yippee!! It was so nice to be able to eat something that was not liquid or pureed but just soft and tender and it was so good. Chicken is still something that I can't tolerate but that's okay. I will try again in a few weeks. Also, I am now down 36 pounds since June 26th!! I was hoping to start swimming next week but I have decided to wait until my ears heal completely. So I will start exercising by walking instead. Take care Sim _____________________________________________________________________ Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead HW: 333 lbs; SW: 307 lbs CW: 271 lbs GW: 150 June 26, 07- RNY, Seattle, WA Surgeon: Dr. J. Hunter
on 7/29/07 12:43 pm - richmond, Canada
Hi Sim I'm a 36 year old who is absolutely looking into LAP band surgery options. I've been put on the waiting list to see a doc out in Victoria but that guy has a 2 year waiting list just to get into see him at his office Do you know if BC Medical plan covers this type of surgery? I have high blood pressure being treated with meds, high cholesterol, diabetes on metformin and insulin 3 times a day. I've got a t hyroid problem that's being controlled by meds. I'm only 4'11" and weigh 197 lbs I'm scared also because my healing time will be longer than most because of my diabaetes I can't participate in alot of activities with my kids because of my weight. My son has started to call me fat and he's only 4. I feel as ugly on the inside as I look on the outside
Sim W.
on 7/29/07 1:41 pm - Vancouver, Canada
Dear Noreen, Thanks for sharing your story. Sorry I do not have good news for you. Dr. Amson in Victoria is the only surgeon doing the WLS in BC so the wait time is very long. BC Medical does not cover lap band surgery I'm afraid. They cover the other kinds of WLS- like RNY which is considered to be the gold standard. Lap band surgery is still considered experimental. None of the other provinces cover it as well except for Alberta that did announce a few months ago that they were going to pay for 100 lap band surgeries there as an experiment there but that is about it as far as I know? You can self pay with Dr. Amson and wait a lot less if you can afford it or go to Montreal or Mexico if you want to pay for the procedure yourself. The wait time is not long at all. I totally understand how you are feeling, I am only 2 inches taller than you and am considerably heavier than you- almost 80 more after losing 36 pounds. The good news is that the lap band is probably the best route for you to go as you are considered to be a light weight and do not have as much to lose compared to a lot of other people who range from 100-150+ of extra pounds. I don't mean to be insensitive here as I know you are suffering from many co-morbidities and losing weight will make such a huge difference. Once you have the surgery done, you will lose the weight quickly and you will feel so much better. Take care and good luck. Sim
Shayna K.
on 8/13/07 4:17 pm - Maple Ridge, Canada
Hello, I am scheduled to have the Lap-Band operation on Sept. 12 in Mississauga, Ont. at the Plastic Surgery Clinic. I looked out of province because my doctor couldn't even recommend anyone locally. I would look out of province but not out of country. Good Luck! Shayna
on 8/13/07 5:16 pm - Canada
Hi Sim, Try candling your ears before returning to the water. It will dry them out. HOWEVER - don't candle one day and then swim right away. The candling removes the wax in the ear as well as other impurities. If you candle, do it at least a week before returning to the water. Cara
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