afraid to eat certain foods

Sim W.
on 7/14/07 5:58 am - Vancouver, Canada
Hi everyone, I met with the dietican and surgeon 3 days ago and they cleared me to move to the next stage from liquids to purreed food. I am also allowed to drive as long as I am not taking the pain medication. I don't think I am ready for the next stage of adding certain foods to my diet. The few foods that have been okay with me durinng the liquid stage include plain yogurt, cream of rice, pudding, protein shakes and jello and lots of water of course. Dr. Hunter and Faith (the dietician) were a little concerned of me not being able to eat for a few days at a time due to nausea and just being so tired and of course the heat was not helping for a few days. Drinking water has stopped my nausea when I get it. So for the pureed stage Faith wants me to introduce the following : eggs, tuna, cottage cheese, mashed potatoes, salmon, chicken, ham, low fat cheese such as mozza string or any high protein food that has been cooked in moisture and blended together. Well the good news is that I was able to eat a scrambled egg with a little milk added to it that was cooked with pam and it went down fine. I am also able to eat 1% cottage cheese and the Betty Crocker instant mashed potatoes from a box. But when I tried a mush up 1/4 cup of chicken breast soaked in chicken broth, it did not go down well. I got the foamies when I had one tsp and had to throw it up. It did not hurt to do that as iI think it was stuck in my rib cage so it did not have to come up from too far and after I did throw up I felt much better. Now I am afraid to try something else. I will stick with the liquid food for a few more days which I have anyways and am thinking of cooking some sole next week to try that as it is light and soft. I am also going to try unsweetened applesauce soon too. Faith did call me at home yesterday and I told her what happened. She was not surprised and said that probably my opening in my pouch is most likely still swollen and needs more time to heal. I told her that I am going to listen to my body and not the calendar saying okay now try these foods now. She agreed and told me that was a good idea. The good news is that I have lost exactly 30 pounds since WLS on June 26th. Does anybody have any suggestions for protein foods that is easy on the pouch other than the ones I am having on the liquid stage? I also wanted to share my experience with all of you as well. Thank you for your help. Sim -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead HW: 333 lbs SW: 307 lbs CW: 277 lbs GW: 150 June 26, 07- RNY, Seattle, WA Surgeon: Dr. J. Hunter
on 7/15/07 5:19 am - Canada
Hi Sim Sorry to hear about the food problems. I read a while back that some people eat baby food. Lets face it, if its good for babys it must be good for us. I don`t like the idea of pureed foods. I can`t see my self drinking eggs, fish, and meats. My nephew has crohans and at one time he was only able to eat baby food. Try it , at least you will get the protien and vits you need until you are ready for real food. Good luck and keep us updated Sharon
Sim W.
on 7/15/07 6:09 am - Vancouver, Canada
Hi Sharon, I looked into the baby food at the store and could not get myself to buy some and the sugar content of most of them was so high anyway that I would probably dump. The good news is that I am able to eat scrambled eggs: I whisk an egg with milk and I even added a little salsa juice for flavor and cooked it in a fry pan with Pam, so it was not bad, LOL! I am also able to eat 1% cottage cheese and it has tons of protein and today I had some unsweetened applesauce ( no protein but great for Vit C) so the list is getting longer for food choices. But definitely, I can not eat meat yet, it is too soon as I think my pouch is too swollen and needs more time to heal and that's okay. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead HW: 333 lbs; SW: 307 lbs CW: 277 lbs GW: 150 lbs June 26, 07- RNY, Seattle, WA Surgeon: Dr. J. Hunter Take care, Sim
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