Out of Country Approval

on 7/12/07 4:58 am - Burnaby, Canada
Hi Everyone, I received a letter today from Health Insurance BC which I thought for sure was a rejection letter. Opened it up and to my surprise, I was approved. I sent my papers in late June and I was approved in 2 weeks. I had submitted papers earlier but I guess they didn't really respond, and I re-sent everything at the urging of Sim and on the letter it says in response to your application of July 3. They have approved for me to have the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery by Dr. J. Hunter in Seattle, WA. at the Virginia Mason Medical Center. Sim has given this place rave reviews and I'm looking very forward to sitting down and consulting with them. Just wanted to say thanks to Sim. Without your push I don't think I ever would have even sent it in. You have been absolutely wonderful in this process. Also Marcia, Leanne's mom here in Burnaby, she urged me as well to get it in. I absolutely pumped about this. Can't wait to go down there for the consult. Bo
on 7/12/07 7:37 am - Canada
Hi Bobby Oh my god !!! I`m so happy for you. I was rejected the first time ( My fault not enough info ). I sent my apeal letter off around June 6 / 07 . I pray everyday when the mail man comes. I wrote on the calander when the 3 months are up. If I have not heard by then I will phone them. Mean while YOU GO GIRL !!. Keep us informed all all that is happing to you . My 31 yaer school reunion is in Oct. I was hoping to weigh alot less bt then, oh well what can you do. Sharon
Sim W.
on 7/12/07 7:44 am - Vancouver, Canada
Hi Bobby, I am so happy for you I can't tell you. This is wonderful news and I hope this is a sign of many more approvals to come. Please keep us posted when your consult date is and then let's get get together and sit down to chat about Virginia Mason and Dr. Hunter, etc. I believe that the quote from Margaret Mead fits and we have to band together and advocate for ourselves and for WLS in general. Take care, Sim Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead HW: 333 lbs SW: 307 l bs CW: 279 lbs GW: 150 June 26, 07- RNY, Seattle, WA Surgeon: Dr. J. Hunter
on 7/16/07 12:50 pm - New Westminster, Canada
Hi Bobby, Congradulations on your approval. :-D I'm in need of WLS surgery and can't seem to get any answers. My gp says he has sent the referral off to Dr. Amson, but when I call I'm told they will call when they have an appointment. No idea when that will be. If at all possible could you explain to me how you went about getting out of country approval? I'm tired of being a name on a fax being sent all over the place and no one returning calls. You may email direct at [email protected] if you'd like. Thank you, Suzie
on 8/1/07 10:29 am - Surrey, XX
I'm about a month away from paying out of pocket for my own surgery in The States because I thought Canadian plans don't covery WLS. How do I get the ball rolling??? I'm in BC. Please help save me thousands of dollars, not to mention, the huge waiting lists here. How did you do it? Sabrina
Sim W.
on 8/1/07 9:23 pm - Vancouver, Canada
Dear Sabrina, Go back and read some of the older posts that say out of country application, I will email you personally with the specific details. Sim
on 9/18/07 8:29 am - Canada
Hi Bobby, I am knew to this and wanted to ask you a couple of questions. How did you come about asking msp for funding to get surgery in seattle? And did you talk to someone in Seattle first? How long of a wait is it in Seattle and when do you go for your surgery? Any information on this would be beneficial. I am looking at the surgery in three years but don't think my joints and boines will hold out that long. Thanks for your time April
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