Sim's Surgery this Wednesday

(deactivated member)
on 6/21/07 11:38 pm - Victoria, Canada
Hello Sim, I wanted to let you know that I am cheering you on for the courage and determination you have shown in your fight for a healthier you. I really appreciate the fact that you have shared your journey with us and although, up to now, I have not moved forward with my OOCountry app, seeing you and other's accomplishing this step in the journey is very comforting to me. I will be thinking about you alot on your day of surgery and I hope to hear more about your journey soon. Take Care Janice
Sim W.
on 6/22/07 2:34 pm - Vancouver, Canada
Hi Janice, Thanks for your support and words of wisdom. I will try and email while I am there but I'm not sure I will have access tp the internet at the hotel. I leave early Sunday morning and have 3 appts on Monday the 25th-dietician, anesthelogist-spelling? and the surgeon and the surgery will be the next day. They are not sure on the time but they said probably around noon. I am just really nervous and scared I don't know why as I have been dreaming and praying for this for years. My biggest worry is that I won't wake up after surgery. I want to think good happy thoughts but it is hard right now. I am really emotional these days and cry at anything but I know this is all good and after the surgery I will relax and life will be wonderful. Take care and we will talk soon Sim Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead HW: 333 lbs CW: 306 lbs GW: 150 ish Surgery date: June 26, 07- RNY, Seattle, WA Surgeon: Dr. J. Hunter-Virginia Mason Medical Center
on 6/26/07 8:30 am - Canada
Hi Sim Just incase you have access to the computer. Hope everything went well for you today. Feel better soon . Let us know when you can, how you are doing.Today you start a new and healthy life. You go girl. Sharon
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