Like to hear of your experience

on 6/21/07 4:13 pm - Richmond, Canada
I've been researching Lap Band surgery and just came across this forum. I would like to meet and talk to people that have done this surgery already. My questions are: where and who did your procedure, how long ago, do you consider it the success or failure. Since this is life changing decision I would like to Cross all the T's and dot all the I's before I "jump of the bridge". I have already figured it out that doing it locally in Vancouver or even in BC is useless. There are only 2 or 3 doctors that do this surgery and it costs just as much as the same procedure in Seattle, for example. If I decide to go to Seattle, who should I consider and where do I find them? Have anyone in this forum been there and done that?

on 6/27/07 8:47 am - lyon, France
i haven't a band but a sleeve, they are both restrictive surgery if you want to talk about the food and the big no no ;)) feel free to ask me ! cheers
on 7/9/07 2:14 pm - Delta, Canada
I can't say too much cause I am just out of surgery, 10 days. I went to Mexico after talking to 2 others who had done the same. It is much cheaper than here and the states (they don't have the same hospital fees) and minimal waitlists. I was treated very well, picked up at the airport, taken to my hotel room which was on the 4th floor of the hospital all for no extra charge. I had my own patient coordinator who took me around to preop tests etc. The hospital was clean and very well organized and the doctor was wonderful. Feel free to contact me if you want more info.
on 7/26/07 3:18 pm - Canada
Lolo M, I am just exploring my options for Lap Band Surgery. I am seriously considering Mexico but I am feeling a bit nervous about going there for surgery. It sounds like you had a good experience. Would you do it again if you had it to do over again? What are you doing for follow up care? Have there been any complications? How is your weight loss going? Anyone else out there have experiences to share about their lap band surgery in Mexico? Thanks Tracy
on 7/30/07 3:47 am - Delta, Canada
yes I would do it again. There is a lady I spoke to who lives near parksville. i was worried to but when she e-mailed me with her phone number and I could look it up online at I new she was real. Even when signing my bills and Visa payments I was still very nervous but it was all legit. I haven't had any complications except that I can eat more than I should be able to. I have been told that its probably cause I need a fill. Some people can go months without one, not me. I dont' tend to be someone who swells so I think my stomach went down real quick. I believe that is the main reason for the liquids after. The place I went to is and the lady I spoke to is Brenda on their success story page. I will PM you my phone number.
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