
My Appeal

on 6/13/07 2:32 pm - Canada
Hi Sim Recieved a letter today from Health Insurance. My application has been sent to Ministry of Health, Senior Medical Consultant.A decision from the Ministry of Health will be sent to me directly, as soon as the review is complete. At least they agreed to look at it again. Talk later Sharon
on 6/14/07 12:14 pm - Vernon,, Canada
Hi Sharon, Where are you applying to go? I'm looking at Mini gastric bypass by Dr. Rutledge although I have an appt. to see Dr. Amson. Wilma
on 6/14/07 2:27 pm - Canada
Hi Wilma I don`t know where I would go. There was nothing on the application asking where you want it done. I would hope I could go to Seatle . Maybe they will ask me or maybe you have to go where they say. Sim might know about that part since she already has been aproved. I only just heard about the mini bypass. I checked out the web about it. One doctor said he was the only one who could do it. May of been full of himself, I don`t know. Maybe someone else on this site can help. Sharon
Sim W.
on 6/15/07 9:12 am - Vancouver, Canada
Hi Sharon, On the bottom of the first page of the out of country application, it asks you where you want to go. When I researched places to go in Washington. I liked Dr. Hunter and Virginia Mason Hospital so that is what I put. However I would caution you on what you put on the application as Louise (OUTLAW 1997) from Dr. Amson's forum is going to Spokane as she got approved for out of country too but I am copying her latest post for you to read. Here is what she said on victoriabariatricsurgery.com Hi Guys! I saw Dr Rawlins in Spokane WA on May 30th for my first consult visit. I had to watch a 1 1/2 hr video on the procedure, but it was a little different from the one I saw at Dr Amson's office. The two Dr's from the Rockwood Clinic talked on the video to a group of people with a slide show. You then got to listen on the Q & A from the audience. Very informatiive. I then got to Dr Rawlins, I was to see him for an 1 Hr but as he could see from my file and tests I provided him, I was very well informed and new what I was getting into. Especially seeing two doctors in Canada and waiting almost 3yrs. So my visit was only 1/2 hr, and at the end he told me I was a very good candidate for surgery. But..... he told me that Sacred Heart Hospital was in the middle of signing contracts with Canada, and could not give me a surgery date as of yet. He didn't think there would be a problem, since I was already pre-approved by MSP. Dr Rawlins hoped around late July , early August. Keeping my fingers crossed! Very nice man, soft spoken and generally concerned. His right hand person Carol the reseptionist is fantastic. Such a nice lady, full of information and a very caring person. I know I am in great hands. Carol did say, that Sacred Heart Hospital was thinking of not taking on Canadian patients. They are having problems of Canadian patients not returning for follow up appts. Who in their right minds not go back after you have had your inside rearranged!!!! I promised that I would return, for Spokane is alot closer to me than Victoria or Vancouver. I even asked if they wanted pre-payment for my follow up visits. She said no, but stressed to me on how important it is to follow up with Dr Rawlins. I hope to hear from Carol in 1-2 wks with my surgery date, so keep your fingers crossed for me..... Louise D So you see not every place is approved to take Canadian patients although I'm sure she will get approval soon but you learn something new everyday plus this place is an 8 hour drive instead of a 4 hour where I am going. Take care and if you have any questions feel free to call me. Take care, Sim Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead HW: 333 lbs CW: 306 lbs GW: 150 ish Surgery date: June 26, 07- RNY, Seattle, WA Surgeon: Dr. J. Hunter-Virginia Mason Medical Center
on 6/15/07 11:41 am - Canada
Hi Sim Thank you for letting me know about the application. I did not think I was aloud to add to the application. I will send another letter asking them , if accepted I would like to see Dr J Hunter. With the way my case is going , they will say yes but I have to go to Spokane . Thanks again Sharon
Sim W.
on 6/15/07 3:10 pm - Vancouver, Canada
Hi Sharon, On the bottom of the first page there is a section that you are suppose to fill out indicating where you want to go for the WLS. It is not an extra section, that part needs to be filled out. That's okay if they approve you and send you to Spokane, that's awesome. Go where where ever they send you!! I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Take care Sim