Out Of Country

on 6/8/07 3:52 am - Canada
Hi Everyone Well I sent out by appeal today. Asking them to look at my application for Out Of Country. They wanted documamtion they got it. I sent 10 years worth of doctors test and specialist reportsI also added in my letter what my life has been like as an Obese person. I also pointed out that not only do I meet the criteria for W.L.S I also meet the criteia for out of Country Surgery They say Out of Country is denied because , It is elective ( non- emergancy ) Out of Canada Medical care. I said WRONG! WLS is essential to my health and life. It is an emergancy because the reality is it`s not available to British Columbians and I get heavier day by day.I do not want to die. They stated - Appropriate and acceptable medical care is available in BC or Canada. WRONG again,I pointed out to them that a 1 to 2 year wait list to see Dr Amson is not acceptable Nor is the 3 to 5 year wait for the surgery. If there is appropriate and acceptable medical care elsewher in Canada , why is not offered to us. Why in the media are we seeing all across Canada there are people like us fighting the same battle for WLS. I also let them know how Vancouver Coastal Health will not approve Dr. Meneghetti to start WLS. I told them I wrote every board member at Vancouver Coastal Health, my MLA , my MP, the Preiemer of BC and Mr George Abbott himself. The only avenue I have not gone down is the media. I may of said to much to them, but at least the will listen and give me a fair shake. I know by the letter they sent and on the web site I meet the criteria for Out Of Country WLS. I should of done all of the above first time around. Learn from my mistake. Wilma you may have to go the same route in applying for Out of Country WLS. If you get approvel , surf the net . Good luck to everyone who will be trying for out of country Sharon
Sim W.
on 6/8/07 11:14 am - Vancouver, Canada
Hi Sharon, Glad to hear that you sent all the tests in with your appeal- Go SHARON GO!!! You should have done that in the first place but now you have a much better chance as they will consider you. It takes a few months to hear back so when you posted that you were denied, I thought this is very strange as the decision came back way too fast. I hope you mentionned to MSP that the waitlist for WLS is 3-5 years with Dr. Amson and that he has over 600 people waiting. If they want to keep the $ here in BC, then they need to fund for more surgeons like Dr. Meneghetti and the other surgeons who were ready to do them in Vancouver. Keep us posted. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Take care Sim "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. " by Margaret Mead. HW: 333 lbs CW: 308 lbs GW: 150 ish Surgery date: June 26, 07- RNY, Seattle, WA Surgeon: Dr. J. Hunter-Virginia Mason Medical Center
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