Out of Country
Hi Everyone
I have a good one for you today. My application for Ouy of Country sugery has been declined. Now heres the funny part. For the first time in my life (49 years old ) I AM NOT FAT ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe that. I wear 4x, I hace been asked to get off a ride at playland because I was to fat . The won`t replace my knees because I`m to fat. According to the goverment guidelines I`m morbidly obese. Now that I`m asking to go out of counrty, suddenly I`m no longer fat enough. I`m going to appeal it and remind them of some of the stuff on their web sites. Two faced twits that`s what the are. According to the letter the sugery is available in Canada and I`m not dying. For all of you how are going to apply, sent everything you got. The form your surgeon fills out is not enough. In my appeal I`m going to tell them what all my problems are. My knees are the worst. I will try and send all the test from all the docs I have seen in the past. I will also point out, that according to the web site I`m perfect for the surgery. And I cant wait 5 years. Please when you apply add as much information as you can. Maybe you wont have to go what I`m going through now.
Take Care everyone , Sharon

Hi Sharon,
I am so sorry to hear this. I can only imagine what you are going through and how you feel. I am a little confused, did you not just apply for out of country last week after we talked and emailed each other? How can it be decided so fast. Did you send MSP the pre-op tests that were done with Dr. M. ? What did the letter say? You can appeal this, but you need to include additonal info to help your case to prove that you can't wait for the surgery here. Sorry for all the questions but I am just trying to understand more of your situation.
E-mail or call me if you want as I would like to help you if I can. I will send you a personal e-mail message as well.
Take care and don't give up, we will fight this!!