Coverage in Canada?? MSP??
I saw the last post about the doctors in BC that do the surgery. I also found a page that says there is a doctor in Surrey, BC that does it as well at Surrey Memorial hospital.
I really want this surgery, but I'm astounded by the price. It's like saving up for a downpayment on a house. Does anyone know?? Is there no coverage in Canada for this surgery at all?? I'm really curious. If there isn't don't you think that's dumb when it would reduce costs for the country associated with obesity?
Anyone's input would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Kate,
There are many kinds of WLS. Are you talking about lapband here? If so, then the answer is no, MSP will not pay for it. As far as I know in Canada there is no coverage for that procedure to my knowledge.
I don't want to knock that procedure as I'm sure there are a lot of people who have had success with it, but none of the goverments are oaky with paying as there has been a lot of mixed reviews about it.
I'm sure you have been doing research about WLS here. The gastric bypass
(Roux-Y ) is covered by MSP but there is a huge list of people waiting as there is only one surgeon- Dr. Amson who is doing the surgeries right now. He has about 600 patients. That is why so many people are self paying and going to Mexico or Montreal to the private clinics. I would recommend the laprascopic procedure that is the less evasive rather than open if you decide to go that route.
There are only 2 options here- one is to wait for the surgery for several years and get it paid for eventually if you qualify and wait or go somewhere else and pay a lot of money.
And yes, the goverment is really dumb and ignorant about this epidemic of obesity.
We have been fighting for a long time to get more surgeons to be able to do the surgeries and be offered more OR time. But as you know, with the health care system in crisis I don't really see that happening any time soon.
Sorry but I don't have any good news I'm afraid.
Sim from Vancouver
Thanks for the info Sim. I think I like Lap band for two reasons: one it's reversible, and two it seems the safest without as many complications of the others where they're cutting into you. I suppose I'll be working on saving up the money It might take a while. Amazing isn't it? In Canada you can laser eye surgery covered, but you can't get WLS covered. I know what you mean about the crisis though it's usually a ping pong match between that and education. I'm really too scared after the horror stories to go to Mexico and get anything done so I suppose I'm stuck with saving the money. In the meantime I guess I'll keep trying the good old fashioned diet and exercise....who knows maybe between now and then a miracle will happen and it will work.

Hi Kate,
I think it is important to pick the procedure that is best for you. Do your homework and research. They usually recommend the lap banding if you don't have as much to lose. Don't forget you will have to get fills too after you have it.
A really good book to get that is reasonable cost is Weight loss for Dummies. It cost around $25 at Chapters.
If you don't mind me asking, what is your BMI, you look pretty good in your picture?
I have a BMI of 60 and have doubled my weight since I got married, yikes. I just got diagnosed with severe sleep apnea but that is the only co-morbidity so far. I know that won't last forever. I know I have to do this! I have been waiting since summer of 2005.
Take care
Hi Sim,
Thanks again and that's so cool! I think I have that book somewhere. My BMI is 46 I think. I'm 5'7" and I weigh close to 300lbs. right now. OMG!! I just cringe when I type that or think about it. I've been looking into this for a while but after failing at the last attempt at dieting I'm just so fed up.
I have struggled with my weight off and on since I was about 15 and I'm 33 now. I'm just tired of having it ruin my life. I'm at the heaviest I've ever been. My boyfriend loves me and he tells me it doesn't matter what I weigh and that I'm a beautiful woman, but I just don't see that in clothes or in the mirror. I HATE BEING FAT!!!
I would love to chat with you more if you want to. Do you chat on msn or yahoo? or does anyone ever chat here??
Take care of you too

Hi Kate,
There was a whole bunch of us on here all last year as many of us were Dr. Meneghetti's patients and he was suppose to do the WLS in Vancouver. Quite a few of us got all the pre-op tests done and then last November we got the rug pulled out from under us as we were informed that the surgeon did not have approval to do the WLS from the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority so we were all in shock and started writing letters to the health care people. I think it burst many people's bubbles and a lot of people are not as active on here any more. You can read some of the old posts to catch up and see the energy many of us had and the work and time we put into this.
I think it is important to keep posting. Do you go to any of the support meetings here? Where do you live? Here are a couple of them in the Lower Mainland.
North Vancouver Support Group meets the third Tuesday of each month from 7:00 until 8:30 at Lions Gate Hospital in Seminar C meeting room
Or the Langley Support Group - Lower Mainland Weight Loss Support Group: First Saturday of each month, 11:00-12:30, Langley Memorial Hospital, conference room #3.
If you live outside Vancouver there are many support groups that meet every month all over the province. Dr. Amson's website at has them posted. They are a very active group and you cna join them and there is a lot of people who are knowledgeable and support one another on there.
I don't really chat on MSN or the other ones but I will send you a private email with my home email and phone number so we can chat any time.
Sim from Vancouver
Hi Sim
Your right , we don`t post as much as we use to. I do check every now and then to see whats up. Of all the letters I sent out I recieved at the most 4 responses . Out of 19 , thats bad , they all say the same thing , and the will pass my letter on to the proper person. I think thats code for shredder. I have been busy with home renovations since Christmas. I have got my member ship back at Curves and will be going back to Tops. My husband was upset because he felt I gave up and was just waiting for the surgery to fix everything for me. He was right ( I won`t tell him that LOL ). Its up to me to get going and try to do something no matter the amount. At least when my time comes , I will be able to show them what I have been doing to try and take control of my weight issues. I hope everyone is doing the same , and taking control of their weight issues. Are time will come soon . We have to stay positive or we will gain more weight and that would be unhealthy for us all. Please , everyone keep praying and keep asking thru letters about WLS , Don`t ley them think we gave up. Take everyone
Hello Kate...
First of all I know I am on the BC forum but I am currently in Ontario. (I am a Surrey, BC native...been gone 7 years and miss it terribly!!!)
I just thought I'd pass on some info. I am not sure how MSP works anymore BUT in Ontario our provincial health plan (OHIP) will not cover the LapBand. It seems like it may not be covered in Canada anywhere.
I am schduled to go down to the US to have my MGB (Mini Gastric Bypass) on July 13 and OHIP will pay for it. I had originally researched the LapBand and thought it was for me but I couldn't afford to pay for it. So I decided to research another "safer" proceedure and came up with the MGB. If you are interested in seeing what it is all about check out The closest clinic for you would be in Las Vegas.
Now, like I said, I don't know how MSP works these days but you might be able to do like I am and apply for "Out of Country" approval from MSP to go down to the US for a MGB. Your wait time would be way less than in Canada for the other types of surgeries. (Because the LapBand isn't covered they do it privately, therefore the wait time is a matter of weeks). I am assuming MSP will cover the RNY? That too can be done in the US on an "Out of Country" approval if it is deemed by your Dr. that you cannot wait whatever the waiting time is. It would be interesting to see if MSP works like OHIP and you could do that. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to inquire.
Let me know what you find out if you do choose to go the MGB route.
Hi everyone,
I have read these messages with much interest. I have been waiting for 11 months to see Dr. Amson and now have had my appt. rescheduled once again so was looking for another surgeon. I have my answer now. For BC its him or--go out of province. How does one choose a competent surgeon? I'm trying to find out how to check on success rates for particular surgeons because this is important. You want the best you can find to do any surgical procedures on your body. Looks like Dr. Amsons' waitlist list is at least 79 weeks. I talked to another person from Alberta who says her surgeon won't operate on anyone over 45 years. Leaves me out. Anyone heard of that? Wilma