
on 3/22/07 7:43 am - Canada
I Just had my first appointment with Dr. Amson in Victoria. He told me it will be about an 18month waiting list befor I get my surgery. I'm thinking that is a little hopeful and I'm not planning on getting it that soon. I've read alot of other people's post's on different boards and they seem to say it takes longer then that. Anyways,, I have alot of questions for people that have been through it and are going through it... Like, what am I in for? What should I expect as it gets closer and what is it going to be like the first six months after? Will life ever feel normal? I'm scared of what I dont know and I'm scared to be overly hopeful. Would love to hear back from people and maybe some people that are near me too. I live in the lower mainland of BC.
Sim W.
on 3/22/07 11:33 am - Vancouver, Canada
Hi Karen, Go onto Dr. Amson's support forum at victoriabariatricsurgery.com. There are lots of people there. Read all the posts and all your questions will be answered. It is a really active board with many knowleable people and lots of post- ops who are willing to talk about their experiences. Yes, you are right. Don't go by what he says as it is usually wishful thinking. He is the only surgeon in BC doing WLS right now and he has over 600 patients. He also decides when you are ready and wants you to prepare emotionally and physically. He often wants to do the surgeries but there is not enough OR time and one of him. I have been waiting since July 2005 to have a consult with him and finally I see him on July 10th. I am not getting my hopes up either am so I am not disappointed. What did he ask and tell you when you saw him? Did he ask you to write a letter talking about your weight? What about a food and exercise journal. He is really big on exercise! Did you end up with a group of people in your appt or an individual appt? Did you watch a video? Sorry for all the questions. Thanks for sharing and keep us posted. This is a pretty quiet forum these past few months. Sim
on 3/24/07 4:28 am - Canada
I had been waiting for my first oppointment since April of 06, so not too long considering other peoples wait. Dr. Amson was really wonderful. I got to my appointment about 1.5hrs early becuase I'm out of town and wanted to make sure I was at the right place. He took me in withing a minute and had me meet other people. One guy had had his surgery back in November and was doing great. He gave me alot of information on how things have been for him since and said 100% he would do it again. I met another lady who had her's done 7 years ago. She is doing great! She too would do it again. And then I got to meet a couple of people who were at their second appointment still waiting for their turn in the OR. Got to talk to them and share how we all feel. I was so impressed on how involved Dr. Amson is. He wants to know what your doing and try's to do all he can to help. I'm really nervouse about having the surgery, but I'm more nervouse on what my life will be like if I dont. K, to answer some of your questions. He didnt ask me too much. That i was surprised about. He had read my info that my doctor had sent over and I guess my doctor was really indepth so he had alot on me already. He didnt ask me to write a letter about my wieght but he did ask me to journal and see my doctor every month to keep on tract. Yes, he is really big into excercise but to me thats wonderful. Of course being the size I am i'm limeted to what I can do but I can see as I loose wieght excercise is something I will really enjoy. I started in a room with a few people and he would come in everyonce and a while and pull someone out for their appointment and add someone else to the group to talk with more. Then he had me go to a private office for our appointment. He didnt have me watch the video because he felt I had got alot of information from talking to everyone else and wouldnt get anything new from the video. Would love to share this journey together. Karen
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