Surgery in April, Looking for new Family Dr./ GP
Living in Vancouver, having surgery April 10, in Montreal, (Dr. Christou). My family Dr is no help. He agreed i needed the surgery, but knew nothing about it, would not find anything out about it. Every time I have a medical issue due to weight, he will not reffer me anywhere, he will not try to get anything covered. He basically tells me it's not possible, later I find out it is not true. I am wiling to be pro active in my own health, but this is too much. I've been trying to find other doctors, but at the first meeting I am either told that they will not support me in the surgery, or I am treated very poorly and they don't want to see me because of my weight.
After my surgery in April I will have to have my own Dr. in Vancouver follow up with blood tests and making sure that everything is OK. I am desperate to find a good Family Dr., please help! If anyone out there knows of someone please let me know. [email protected]
I don't know of any GP's in Vancouver but just wanted to let you know that I am having surgery with Dr Christou, but on Apr 17. You must of just beaten me to it. I went out Mar 5 for my appts. That was a long day!
I thought when I was corresponding with them that my date would be the 10th but was told it was already taken. When did you go for your pre op work? It would be nice to keep in contact with one another to offer support and see how we are handling everything. I live acroos the water in Parksville. Keep in touch.