on 2/8/07 7:01 am - Canada
New Here!!! And the reason why I am writing is because many things. The first big one is that I used to live in Victoria, and now live in Quebec,,,so I have no friends/ everything...I MEAN EVERYTHING...is in french. The second thing is... after my third child (first I was 18, 2nd I was 23, and 25) ( actually during labour) the Nurse mentioned I had a bump on my cervix. After her birth, I was really tired ( as I had a baby and gestational diabetes..she was (9lbs1oz) and I had pre diabetes. Later, i noticed that I had a large amount...I mean really covered...of cysts on my vagianal wall, and later was referred to a gyno. WHen i went there, he was really intrigued by the fact I was sewed up crooked (????? I never noticed nor did DH) and he wanted to do surgery and a biopsy of the cysts which he said went all over inside. But, he freaked me out so I never went back...then moved here three yrs ago. So my question I guess is...has anyone been diagosed with PCOS and has any one experienced these pain cysts..... I have a appoint at a womens clinic, and not sure if I should mention this possiblitiy. I also noticed a few (5-10) pokey hairs on my chin, as well I definelty am gearing to having Type 2, over weight, cant loose the damn weight (I am officially obese :-( ) as wel as other symptoms like my menstration is alway late or early or I just miss it all together. Thanks BC friends for listening, mishelly
Elaine C.
on 2/9/07 12:52 am - Port Coquitlam, Canada
RNY on 03/17/08 with
I am currently trying to get pregnant with my 2nd child and have not had a period in over a year. I have been researching this on the internet and it brought up PCOS. PCOS can cause weight gain, irregular or missing periods, acne and a few other things. When I was pregnant with my first child one of my ultrasounds showed a cyst I can't remember how big it was but they were concerned it might not go away by itself. Anyway I have been for other ultrasounds and there are no more cysts. I go to a gynochologist next Wednesday. When you go to the women's clinic I would definately tell them about everything as I will when I go to my gyno appt next week. If you would like to email me my address is [email protected]. Elaine
on 4/15/07 9:01 pm - Trail, Canada
you can have PCOS without or with cysts. Usually the periods are extrememly heavy and last a long time in duration... you may have thinning hair on the head and more hair on other parts of your body... you may have darkening skin on the inside thighs and under breast and arms. You may have pain in you lower abdomin at times. You often have trouble getting pregnant. I have had PCOS since I was 16. I have been on every hormone and none of them have worked. I just had the Mirena IUD installed at the end of march and my uterus is still trying to eject it. I have periods that last 2 to 6 months in lenghts and have severe clotting and flow. I go through a package of pads in less then a week and tampons last 20 minutes to 30 mintues at the most. I have facial hair and possible aelopacia or thinning hair on my head. Weight loss surgery hasn't improved my cirumstances... but the WLS hasn't worked either. I am not quite pre diabetic, but I am Insulent resistant. There is a bit to go on.
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