Lap Band vs. Gastric Bypass

mary M.
on 12/20/06 5:24 pm - Vancouver, Canada
This is my first posting, so please bear with me....I hope I make sense!! I just spoke with a partner (physician) of Dr. Rumbaut's in Monterray, Mexico where I am going to have my lapband surgery in mid- Jan/07 (can't wait!). Because I have a problem with 'grazing', especially with sweets ( ! ) during the mid-afternoon to late evening, she stated that the gastric bypass should be considered. She was excellent in explaining the differences in the procedures, which I more or less already knew, and why she felt it may be more successful for me. She really gave me some 'food' for thought. She felt that I would probably be more successful (because of my eating habits) with the gastric bypass. Has anyone else had it suggested to them that they should think seriously of the gastric bypass instead of the lapband, in particular because of their poor eating habits (constant nibbling of sweets etc.) Thank you so much for listening!
on 12/21/06 5:01 am - Canada
It is something that you should consider. I looked at all my options and choose the RNY as it was both restrictive and malobsortive. I too was a sugar girl, but not any more as with RNY you can't have the dump. The RNY is more long term with higher results and you should be 100lbs or more overweight. I am down 125lbs in 11 months and have 10 more to loose. I am very happy with my choice. Also with lapband, you need to have adjustments and fills and where I live, there is no option to do it. As far as grazing, I have to be conscious of this all the time and regardless of which procedure you have, grazing could be an issue. If I need to have a snack, then its healthy. With the lap band, you can pretty much eat anything, just smaller quantity. I know of people who are successful with both procedures and some that have failed with both. The key to success is balance, choosing the best option for you. The doctor you choose did a RNY on someone I know in Vancouver and she is very, very happy with her results and now under goal weight. He is top notch in his field and lots of canadians are going to mexico to have procedures done. Wish you well in your decision. Make an educated one, and one that best suits you, not someone else. Write again if you want more info, I am here to help.
mary M.
on 12/21/06 3:26 pm - Vancouver, Canada
Thank you so much for your wise commentary, Lisa. First of all, congratulations on you weight loss. Wow!! That's awesome! You are absolutely right that it has to be MY decision, and I was interested to read your comments re-RNY as I had discounted it for the lapband. I do agree about the lapband adjustments as I see some individuals have to have several & more.....! I still haven't got a physician to do my fills & adjustments yet, but the clinic did give me a helpful list so that will assist me. I am going to quickly do some research on the RNY to fully educate myself on ALL options. I so much want to be successful & I am determined to change my lifestyle but I also want to best tool available for ME. I'm so interested when you talk about being a 'sugar' girl as that is a real concern for me! Thank you again, Lisa, you are a sweetheart! Merry Christmas! Mary
(deactivated member)
on 1/13/07 11:18 am - Brampton, Canada
Hi Mary I'm from the Toronto area but thought I'd lurk on the B.C. board tonight! I had the lapband surgery performed last April and am very happy with it. First of all the best thing about the band to me is the fact that you do get fills. That's the whole point! I had stomach stapling 20 yrs. ago and I went from 261 down to 113 in less than 2 yrs. But overtime (a few yrs. you can stretch your stomach back out, the same with RNY) also while people I know have dropped an amazing amount of weight quickly with RNY it is not as healthy as a slower but still steady weight loss. Also not everyone who has RNY has dumping syndrome. Many people do not so you can't depend on that. Also I am concerned with the longterm side effects of malabsorption years down the road. There is new statistics showing that over several yrs. out RNY is no better or worse than the lapband. There is pros and cons to all wls and certainly the lapband is not a miracle cure. Do as much research as possible into all your options and then decide what feels best for you. As for me I am very much a compulsive eater, binger and grazer but once you reach the proper amount of restriction with your band fill it is alot easier to control our food addiction. All weight loss surgery is a tool you still have to learn to change your past destructive behavior. When I first had my stapling done yrs. ago I could only eat about 3 oz. every few hours. But over the years unless you become disciplined it is easy to still binge and then when you get severe pains throw up and then eat some more. Overtime your stomach pouch becomes enlarged and you can start to put the weight back on. Also unfortunately overtime with any weight loss surgery the processed junk food tends to go down easier than the healthy food. You can easily munch away on chips and dip, ice cream and other goodies. For me the band takes away alot of my craving to eat all the time but don't kid yourself especially after the first year or so of any wls you have to be motivated to change. Good luck on your journey whatever you choose! Donna
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