Dr. M Consult cancelled :'(

on 11/24/06 12:56 am - Maple Ridge, Canada
I've been waiting since July to have my first consult with Dr. M on Dec 11th. Yesterday, Nov 23rd, I got the call from his office that my appointment was cancelled and that they would be contacting me in the new year. How's that for a kick in the head! Worst yet, I was trying to be proactive and went for all my tests so I would have the results with me when I went to see him. Since this surgery is my last resort, I'm trying very hard to remain optimistic as I don't have any other direction to go in. Mexico is not an option in my mind so I have to sit and wait for the BC government to have their minds changed by all of us. I've pulled the list off this forum and will be typing away to everyone on it and anyone else I can think of. The air has been taken out of our sails a bit but we've come so far that we can't be defeated. The surgeries must happen and we must do what we have to to make it happen! Down but not out! Leanne
on 11/24/06 12:55 pm - Canada
Hi Leanne Did they say why your appointment was cancelled ? Maybe he is going on Vacation. Think about it, look at all the people he has seen and he hasnt done surgery on any of us. Yet he has been paid. LOL. Fresh snow and Christmas shopping. Hang in there . They cant ignore us forever. Sharon
Sim W.
on 11/25/06 12:47 am - Vancouver, Canada
Dear Leanne, That must have been so frustrating for you. I'm so sorry to hear that. I don't want to start any grumbling here but I was thinking??? I have an appt with Dr. M. on Dec 11th too and I did not get a cancellation yet??? What is the difference here. In my case this would be my 3rd appt with him and I am asking him to sign my out of country application for MSP coverage and I have had all my tests done. Ann knows why I made this appt as I told her especially after we got the news from the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority. So my guess is that he is not taking any more new patients right now due to the uncertainty of the WLS and maybe that's why they cancelled your appt as this is your first consult especially after that internal memo mentioned that WLS was not eminent. It's just a guess but that could be why they cancelled. Yes I agree we will keep fighting and get the WLS happening. They won't forget us as we will continue to make noise. Getting the media involved is a good idea. We need a reporter to do a story. I am still trying to get a reporter who lives in my building to agree to do a story on WLS. Take care and keep in touch Sim
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