Letter Camp

on 11/9/06 12:13 am - Canada
Hi Everyone I am so happy to see that people are trying to do to the meeting in Feb. Thank you for the advice on letters. I have started a package to mail off. As it stands now I have approx. 19 packs to make. All 14 members of Board of Directors Vancouver Coastal Health will get one. Others will be, Honourable George Abbott Minister Of Health , I found his 2006/07 - 2008/09 Service Plan Accountability Statement. Interesting little read. It can be found at http://www.bcbudget.gov.bc.ca/2006/sp/hlth/ Provincial Health Services Authority , My MLA and my MP. Lets not foreget Premier Gordon Campbell. I have already started draft letters printed off some facts In my Letter I will tell them about me and what life is like as an Obese person. I will tell the how I came to the decesion that this surgery is form. Also they will know about my visits and tests with Dr. M. I have alot of comments to the response from the Coastal Health letter. She talks about discussions , it`s success by developing a supporting program and infastructure. HELLO ANY ONE HOME!!!!!!!! Whats to talk about , the surgery is already taking place in Victoria, It used to be done at St. Pauls you approve out of Country surgery. You already know what has to be done ! So , it comes down to , are you going to do it or not.? I also had to make comments to the Accountability Statement and what he had to say. Oh ! I am also sending a pack to Dr Garth Warnack Surgeon and Chief Vancouver General Hospital I will let you all know when it is all together and mailed Take Care everyone Sharon
(deactivated member)
on 11/9/06 10:26 pm - Victoria, Canada
Good Morning Sharon, Wow..I just want to say how much I appreciate the energy you are putting into this letter writing campaign. I know it takes alot of time and effort. We are worth it. I think, based on what Anne has told a few people, that they are going to do it. I want them to start doing it now. Right now. And I hope that they will, once they start hearing from us. Have a great Friday. Janice
on 11/10/06 4:29 am - Kelowna, Canada
Hi Janice and Sharon, We will get results. There are power in numbers. We will have that. They obviously don't know who they are dealing with. It's not over till the fat lady sings! I'm her! Sarah
on 11/16/06 8:34 am - Afghanistan
Hi Ladies I am wondering if we can meet for coffee. Which day is suitable. Please let me know. I am feeling quite anxious now Sally
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