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Sim W.
on 11/8/06 11:12 am - Vancouver, Canada
Hi everyone, Sorry I have not been posting that much this week as I started a new job and I am emotionally exhausted by the time I get home but I wanted to say hi and I have been reading the latest posts and I will definitely be there in Feb when VCH holds their next meeting. I came across an interesting article about obesity stats in Canada. Take care everyone, Sim
(deactivated member)
on 11/8/06 11:39 am - Victoria, Canada
Hi Sim, Good article. Thanks for posting it. I hope you are enjoying your new job and that it will become less draining. Take care Janice
Sim W.
on 11/8/06 12:16 pm - Vancouver, Canada
Hi Janice, I phoned Dr. M's office on Monday to request another appt to see him and I spoke to Ann. She listened as I explained the reason for my appt and that I want to discuss other options with Dr. M. since the letter came from the VCHA. She said " Sim the surgery is going to happen you know, this is really not necessary". I replied, well I hope you are right and I asked her if their office had received a copy of the letter and she replied no. I said I will fax a copy of the letter then as the letter is saying a much different picture than what we were all thinking and that things were only in the preliminary stages, etc. Her tone changed with me as she started to become angry but I stayed calm, positive and cheerful and I thanked her. The earliest I can see Dr. M is Dec. 11th in the morning and Ann also said that he is only taking am appts now on the Mondays. What can you do? Has anyone else booked another appt with him orsent him the letter before I do? Cheers, Sim
(deactivated member)
on 11/8/06 2:06 pm - Victoria, Canada
Hi Sim, I have not faxed over a copy of the response I rec'd from VCHA yet. I have been sidetracked by some crappy news at work and the fact that a good friend's father passed away and I spent most of Tuesday with him. I am going to fax over a copy for Dr. M. I am inclined to think that if Anne says the surgeries are going to happen then they will happen. They just might not happen til next year...and even then, that is way better than Dr. Amson's track record. I have been doing a lot of reading about the DS and I am going to talk to my GP about trying for out of country DS. I would rather have that any day than the RNY. Do I settle for what I can get or fight for what I think is best for me? Do I know what is best for me? One of the things I liked about RNY was that I could get it done Lap, but there are so many things that I don't like about it. Hmmm seems I still have some time to decide. LOL I heard Anne tell someone else that he only see's apptmts on Mondays too. It would be interesting to see if he will sign out of country forms for you. I hope he does. ttysoon janice
on 11/8/06 2:50 pm - Burnaby, Canada
sorry that I havne't been poisting either, i've been busy studying for my LSAT in December. however, i have to say that if Anne is saying that it will happen, that is a very positive thing, that means they must know something more that we don't. well i'm hoping they do.
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