Names of contacts for Vancouver Coastal Health Authority
Ida Goodreau
President and CEO 604.875.4972
Dr. John Blatherwick
Chief Medical Health Officer 604.675.3800
Dr. Jeff Coleman
Chief Operating Officer, Richmond 604.244.5537
Janet Davidson
Chief Operating Officer, Vancouver Acute 604.875.4285
Anne Harvey
Vice President Employee Engagement 604.875.4658
Dr. Heather Manson
Vice President, Health Services Integration 604.875.5269
Dr. David Ostrow
Vice President Clinical Innovation 604.875.4054
Ellen Pekeles
Chief Operating Officer, North Shore Coast Garibaldi 604.904.3594
Dr. John Shepherd
Vice President Clinical Quality and Safety 604.875.4054
Maureen Whyte
Chief Operating Officer, Vancouver Community 604.708.5313
Janet Woodruff
Chief Financial Officer and Vice President Systems Performance and Development 604.875.4280
Here are the names above as mentiooned in previous email just sent-thanks to Janice for looking them up and psoting them- I found them on her website.
I would like to say hi but,
I am SO P'OD that I could rip off heads and beat the health authority with the wet end. To H E double hocky sticks with karma or anything else. Believe me I am being very subdued with my intentions here.
I worked in Vancouver under the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority and the woman that is running it now has the credentials of a knat's rump! She used to be the President of a Carpet Company. How's that for knowing anything about healthcare and funding.
We absolutely have start a letter writing campaign. I was told when this all started that oh no things weren't going to be like Dr. Woodhead. He was not given surgical hours for the procedure. Now it is starting to seem like the same thing.
I will be contacting every person on this miserable list a sharing a few choice observations.
Excuse any spelling errors, I really don't care!
Here are some emails to for these individuals:
Janet Davidson, Chief Operating Officer
Ida Goodreau President and CEO
Dr. Garth Warnock
Gotta love the power of google. Anybody and everybody who can help, please do. It will only take 5-10 to send a quick email to these people to show them how important this surgery is and the benefits of it. If we can get more people to have surgery in Vancouver, it only helps us all in the long run by decreasing the wait times with Dr.A.
I am making a special call to all post-ops that read this board, please please send in an email. You are our living proof that this surgery is beneficial. Whether you had it with Dr.A, in Mexico, in the States, it doesn't matter, we just need you to write to tell these people the benefits of this surgery.